He's a potato

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"Guys!" Sasuke smashed through the window of the Uzumaki household.

Shiro was clocked out on the sofa with a seal tightly gripped in his hand, while Naruto was on the floor in a pile of blankets.... he could see something moving in the mess but chose to believe it was just Gary.

He had come to accept the abomination, he doesn't like it, but he accepts it... it was a very weird day when Naruto found out Gary eats metal..... yes a very weird day.

That was besides the point Sasuke was having a midlife crisis, yes you can have a midlife crisis at 5, his brother is 11 and already in the Anbu he wouldn't be shocked if Itachi died, sad yes, shocked not really.

Somehow Shisui was still alive but he and Naruto had a bet going that between Itachi and Shisui, Shisui would be the first to die, not from age but because he's an idiot.

Anyway, Naruto shot up straight and looked at Sasuke, Shiro didn't move and inch but his eyes opened so Sasuke knew he was awake.

"Oh, what do you want Teme*yawn*" Naruto yawned, he was so tired, he was up all night planning his greatest prank on the old man Hokage and for once Shiro joined him... he now knew for a fact, Shiro hated Hiruzen.

"Make it quick, I'm busy sleeping" Shiro's voiced.

"Guys.... Itachi's birthday is in one week and I have no idea what to get him" Sasuke stated.

Shiro and Naruto chose to glare at the boy infront of them.

"You mean to tell me..." Shiro started.

"That you woke us up for that!!" Naruto yelled.

It went silent, the twins made eye contact with the ravenette.

"Yes" Sasuke confirmed.

Shiri's eye twitched, he slowly looked over to Naruto who happened to be doing the same thing as him, the Twins then looked back at the now sweating Uchiha.




"Run" Shiro said.

Like that Sasuke went right back out the way he came in with two pissed Uzumaki's on his tail.


Shisui was staring blankly at a menu, he only had a few days left to get his best friend / cousin an awsome gift but the only thing he truly knows about Itachi is that he likes books and loves Dangos.... so he went with the Dangos.

Why did this shit have to be so hard, Itachi he was supposed to be a simple kid, but he's just a pain in the ass.

Could you tell he was still salty about the food prank Itachi did on him?

"Sir, you've been glaring at that menu for around 30 minutes now" the waitress said, she had black eyes, and long brown, almost black hair, she seemed bored and had a very straight face with some serious stress lines.

"Eh? Oh! Hehehe! Sorry I'll take a 24 box of Dangos to go please" Shisui said.

The girl raised her eyebrow before handing the order to the chef in the back.

Shisui stood at the counter and gave a 1000 yard stare at the girl... she looked so familiar it was creepy.

"Why are you staring at me?" She asked.

"What's your name?" Shisui asked, she looked so familiar.

".... None of your business weirdo, just pay me and go over there" she said sticking one hand out to him and the other pointing to the waiting area.

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