The Kage meeting

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The five great Kage. Each one in charge of one of the five Nations.

Fire: the Hokage. Wind: the Kazekage. Lightning: the Raikage. Earth: the Tsuchikage. Water: the Mizukage.

These five have always been in charge and held more influence over the smaller countries than any other leader....

Before today.

"What the fuck do ou mean I answer tot a damn child!" Ay shouted in the Hokage's office.

Tsunade had her head on one hand and a bottle of Sake in the other.

"I mean what I said and a said what I mean. And it's not A child it's TWO children. Naruto and Shiro own the seeds to all five lands, there is nothing we can do" Tsunade stated.

"And these kids. What is it exactly that they do?" Onoki asked.

"I too am curious. I want to know why they suddenly appointed me as Mizukage" Mei stated.

"I'm not complaining" Gaara said.

"You are but a child! And should not be here!" Onoki yelled.

Gaara's eyes narrowed at the old man.

"And you are but an old fool who should be six feet under. But you don't here me complaining" Gaara responded.

"Damn Gaara, dile down the heat a bit, believe it!" Naruto yelled. He was sitting on the window seal with a bag of popcorn.

"Hn, glad to see you idiots understand basic instructions. Kings don't need incompetent workers" Shiro said from beside Naruto.

"So you're the ones who own the deeds to our lands?" Ay asked.

"That's right! We also own the lands that give you your supplies so don't try to be smart" Naruto said with a bright grin on his face.

The four older Kage pailed at the thought.

"So what is it you want with us exactly?" Mei asked.

"Simple. A certain snake of ours (with some painful convincing) has told us that a group called the Akatsuki are after Jinchuriki" Shiro stated.

"It's now your jobs as Kage to kill or capture them on sight! After all it wouldn't be great for one of your kings to loose their lives because of your failure!" Naruto cheered.

Shiro's eyes turned blood red.

"So do your job as our workers and find them" Shiro growled.

All five kage froze.

"After all..." Naruto started a large grin glued on his face.

"If Naruto dies... so. Do. You. Weasel!" Shiro yelled out.

Weasel appeared from nowhere and effectively scared the shit out of all five Kage.

"Your highness" Weasel said on one knee.

"Grab the other Anbu squad leaders apart from Monkey and tell each squad to escort a Kage back to where they belong." Shiro demanded.

Weasel bowed his head before dissapearing just as quickly as he appeared.

Shiro and Naruto also left leaving the five Kage alone in the room.

"Fucking kids" Tsundae said taking another swig of her drink.

"I don't suppose you have an extra cup for that do you?" Ay asked.

Tsunade smiled before pulling out some shot glasses.

Gaara being 12 just left, he felt like having some Ramen instead. After all if it was good enough for a king it was good enough for him.


"HINATA! PLEASE!" Sasuke yelled.

He was currently hung upside down, covered head to toe in neon pink paint. Hinata was seated bow the tree he was tied to peaceful eating her Cinnamon bun.

"Oooh Sasuke your getting the silent treatment" Shisui taunted with a smirk. He was drawing an obnoxiously large moustache on Sasuke's face with black paint.

"Fuck off Shisui! Go bug Itachi! Or get a girlfriend! Which ever one gets you the hell away from me!" Sasuke yelled out.

"Aww, but that's not nearly as fun. And I'm gay jackass" Shisui admitted.

"Fine! Then fuck off and go bug some poor boy! Isn't Haku roaming the village somewhere go bug him!"  Sasuke yelled.

"Sasuke! I'm appalled! Haku is way to young for me! I'm 18" Shisui yelled.

Sasuke went silent.

"Dude... Haku is 15. You guys are three years apart. Just give it a year and no one will care" Sasuke replied.




"Wait so Haku is single right?"

Hinata was still happily ignoring the boys. But she did have some gossip for Ino later.


Kakashi was worried. Very very worried. He didn't realise it before... but why was Jiraiya still alive!?

Kakashi knew that Shiro despised Make out Paradise and it's series. He so knew that Shiro vowed to kill whoever created them...

Yet Jiraiya was still alive...


At that thought Jiraiya came flying through his window. A massive bump on his head and seals all over his body.

"Hn. You really believed you could hide from me? In my own Village. How foolish" Shiro stated.

"Oi Shiro don't kill him" Naruto said.

"Naruto! You do care!" Jiraiya yelled.

"What? No. We gotta milk him for all the knowledge he's worth. THEN we kill him" Naruto continued. A foxy grin on his face.

Yup Kakashi was right... fucking devils.


"Hey guys. Remember when I said Naruto would never become Hokage?" Kiba asked his team.

Sakura and Shino looked at him.

"Yeah?" Sakura asked.

"Well I was technically right. He became a king not a Kage" Kiba replied.

"No you were wrong. Why? Because you believed he would amount to nothing. Not rise above what he had planned" Shino replied.

"SHHH! I don't wanna die!" Kiba yelled. Akamaru barked in agreement.

"Too late. Why? Because They ready know" Shino responded. He was pointing behined Kiba where Naruto and Shiro stood.



Hope you guys enjoyed this randomness.

Again got no clue where it's going but it's going somewhere.

Ja ne!

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