messing with a Senju

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"We need a new sla- Hokage!, I don't wanna do paper work anymore!" Naruto complained.

"Got get one then" Shiro muttered. His head was on his desk.

They had just made the land of Rice and tea have blue flags. They were now the kings of four lands.

"Think we should take the land of sound just to piss off Orochimaru?" Naruto asked.

Shiro stopped glaring at the map and widened his eyes. An evil smirk grew on his face.

"Yes. Yes I do." Shiro muttered. He stabbed his Kunai into the land of sound before standing up.

"Ok, you go find us a new sla- ahem.. Hokage and I'll get us a new land. Sound good?" Shiro asked.

Naruto nodded.

"Yeah! And I'll take Pervy-sage with me!" Naruto said.


"Jiraiya" Naruto said.

Shiro nodded before looking out the window of their office.

Being king was starting to get fun.


Itachi had to hide his new all you can eat Dango card. It was crucial, because if his mother ever found it she would woop his ass.

And no one ever wanted to face Mikoto's wrath.

"Oh 'tachi!!!~ guess whose telling auntie about your Dango card because you locked him in a Genjutsu again!" Shisui yelled out.

Shisui in a split second decision decided to run. It was a good choice on his half because Itachi appeared where he was in milliseconds.

Itachi was going to kill him.


"Get back!🤺 how many times do I have to say stay back🤺" Sasuke yelled out.

Hinata stood behind him rubbing her temples. Sasuke really was the biggest idiot she knew.

"I just wanted to thank Hinata and you for helping me..." Gaara sighed. He was starting to pick up on the pattern.

"L-let's go g-get some Ramen" Hinata stated. There was no point in trying to stop Sasuke.

"Of course hime..." Saduke responded before narrowing his eyes at Gaara. "I'm watching you" he whispered.

Gaara stared at Sasuke with boredom before giving a small smirk... hmm maybe it was time to have some fun.


Shiro was running to the land of sound. Give or take he should return when Naruto does.

Standing on the boarder Shiro spotted Orochimaru, who was sitting in a tree.

"Oh? And what do I owe the pleasure?" Orochimaru asked.

"I want the deed for the land of sound" Shiro said.

Orochimaru blinked at that before bursting into laughter.

"Now why would I do that? When I still have to pay you back for that seal you put on me" Orochimrau stated. He landed on the ground and stood tall over Shiro.

"I wasn't asking" Shiro replied. He then dissapeared in a cloud of Smoke.

That's right. He was a clone. The real Shiro already had the deed and was walking home with a grin on his face.

He loved being a king. He could not wait to see how pissed off Orochimaru looked.



Naruto slammed the Rasengan into Kabuto's chest sending him flying across the field as the three Sannin faced eachother.

"Naruto look out!" Jiraiya yelled

Naruto jumped and dodged the snake before summoning 100 clones and grinned at the Sannin.

"Heh! My name... is Naruto Uzumaki! And I am the King of the land of Fire. So bow or be banished." Naruto announced. His eyes went bright red and his canines sharpened.

Orochimaru and Kabuto fled while Tsunade and Jiraiya looked at the kid like he was nuts... little did they know he was being very damm serious.


Sasuke and Gaara were seated either side of Hinata eating their Ramen while glaring at eachother.

Hinata was sat between them eating silently praying they wouldn't do anything stupid. Clearly she didn't pray hard enough.

"Hn, what are you looking at?" Sasuke growled.

"Something so ugly that I'm fascinated by it" Gaara responded.

"I'll kill you"

"Ladies first"

Hinata sighed and stood up and paid before walking out of the shop.

Gaara and Sasuke right beside her.

"Hn, why are you following my Hime!" Sasuke yelled.

"I'm not following your anything. I'm following Hinata!" Gaara responded.

Both boys went silent went Shisui sped past the group of three.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! 'TACHI I WAS JOKING! I WAS JOKING!!!" Shisui screeched as he ran.

Itachi chased after him with a tanto in hand.

"Hn, Come here and I'll make your death quick" Itachi said chasing him.

"Weasel we have a mother damm mission! Get back here!" Cat yelled chasing Itachi.

"Cat! Get back here with my Icha!" Kakashi shouted behined cat.

"KAKASHI PAY FOR YOUR DANGOS!" Anko shouted behined Itachi.

Hinata, Gaara and Sasuke watched all the Ninja chase eachother with a blank face.

"So... anyone up for a horror movie?" Sasuke asked.

And like that the three headed to the cinema.


I make em so short but Oh so entertaining. I rlly love this book.

It's my pride and joy.

Hope you enjoyed!

Ja ne!

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