Graduation.... about time!

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It been 6 years since we last left off with the Uzumaki twins and their friends.

With Shiro excelling in Seals...

"Hahahaha! Dance monkey! Dance!" Shiro yelled, he was cackling deeply at a poor civilian that decided to break into their home. This said Civilian was now jumping around all over the place trying, (and failing) to dodge Shiro's barrage of seals.

From explosions, to random Gravity shifts, Shiro was sitting with a smirk on his face, arms crossed and amusement in his eyes.

His red hair was still short, he tried to grow it out, but it just wouldn't the furthest it reached was his shoulders, and even then it didn't look that way because it stuck up in every direction.

Next was Naruto whose stealth was incredible despite the bright colours he wears.

"HAHAHAHA!!! You can't catch me suckers! I am officially the first person to prank the ANBU Headquarters! SUCK ON THAT LOOSERS!! HAHAHAHA!!!! BOW BEFORE YOUR KING OF THE WORLD!!" Naruto bellowed as he bolted across the rooftops.

Behined was around 5 ANBU, each one a different colour of the rainbow.

With Sasuke... well let's just say that his confidence got a major boost over the years.

Sasuke was marching down the streets of Konoha to the academy, girls were screeching at his presence, but the boy barely gave them a single glance.

With his hands in his pockets he gave the classic Uchiha smirk as all the female fell to the ground.

"Hn, still got it... now to my queen" he muttered.

Hinata, well.. she hadn't changed much, she was still the quite, stuttering Cinnamon roll she was before.

"Um... Uh.. K-k-kiba-kun, c-can you give t-that back?" She asked, Kiba had taken Hinata's Cinnamon bun because he wanted to see her angry.

Hinata however doesn't get angry... the reason, well she doesn't have to, people get angry for her.

"OI THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOIN MUTT!" Naruto shouted from the window.

Shiro suddenly appeared behind Kiba and simply glared.

Sasuke then walked in and with no words punched Kiba across the room, grabbing the Cinnamon bun from the air.

He then got down on one knee and handed the bun to Hinata... well I guess that's one thing about Hinata that changed.

Sasuke had flirted with her so much that she is officially immune to him.

She gave a small smile.

"T-thank you, S-sasuke" she said grabbing the bun from his hands.

Sasuke being the dramatic bastard he is, placed a hand on his heart and pretended to faint.

"Hn, what an idiot" Shiro stated staring at Sasuke.

"AHHHH!!! SASUKE!!!!" Sakura screeched.

Ino then walked and slapped Sakura on the back of the head shutting her up.

"Hush woman, I have a headache" she stated.

"Wow Ino-pig you sound more and more like Shikamaru everyday" Sakura said.

Shikamaru sat up hearing his name but then immediately went back to sleep once he saw who said it.

Anyway, who else... oh right, Shisui....

"ITACHI STOP STEALING MY FUCKING DANGOS!!!" Shisui shouted chasing Itachi once again.

You would think that them being adults, with Itachi being 18 and Shisui being 23, you would think they would act responsible....

Shisui suddenly dived forward, bit fell through Itachi... ah yes another Genjutsu.

You see the real Itachi was eating Shisui's dangos in a tree near the academy.

He started Smirking knowing that Shisui had probably realised he was in a Genjutsu by now...

Idiots the pair of them.

Ah right, Neji...(almost forgot about him)


"I'm going to the Academy" Neji said, he started walking off.

"Why?" Tenten asked.

"Hinata-hime graduates today and I want to be there for it." He said.


Neji looked at him, his eye twitched before without saying anything he headed to the academy.

He had to make sure that dog... uhhh Uchiha kept his filthy paws off his Hime....

So as you can see everyone is living their life well... so let's se how graduation goes shall we....




"Sasuke Uchiha!" Random teacher 1 said.

Sasuke stood up, handed a rose to Hinata and strutted out of the class.

Shiro's eye twitch at his attitude, he was gonna knock him out soon.

Around a minute Later Sasuke strutted right back in, headband on and headed straight to Kiba who had taken his seat next to Hinata.

He grabbed Kiba's shirt and threw him across the room before sitting next to his queen.

"OI WHAT THE FUCK SASUKE!" Kiba shouted.

Sasuke ignored him and gave a love filled sigh at Hinata who only gave a shy smile at the boy, who yet again acted like he got shot.

One by one the students went in and soon it was Naruto's turn.

Naruto walked in and when he came out with a headband the class looked at him in shock.

"How the hell?" Shikamaru asked.

Naruto smirk and put on a pair of sunglasses before looking away.

Shiro then walked in and not even a few seconds later Mizuki was sent flying through the wall.

"Hn, foul fool, you dare lie about me? I don't cheat! I am an Uzumaki you idiot, of course I can't do the clone Jutsu it's too weak for me, hence why I showed you the shadow clone." Shiro said.

A second Shiro stood next to him.

"Hn, at least you make a great test dummy" the secon Shiro said, he smirked and sat down and the clone dissapeared.

The class saw his headband and chose not to question it.

Iruka walked through the hole and blinked at the knocked out Mizuki.... yeah this wasn't the first time.

With a quick congratulations Iruka grabbed Mizuki and headed out to the hospital.... again.

Oh the Teams were going to be Hell....






Meanwhile Shisui and Kakashi were crying as they found out they would be duel Sensei's for Team 7.


Lol massive time-skip.

They graduated and things will o ly get more hectic from this point onwards.

Hope you enjoy!

Ja ne!

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