Oh boy, the snake is back

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Tsunade booted the door to the Hokage's office wide open and harshly looked at the civilian council.

"Alright! Whose in charge! So I can kick their asses and take my rightful seat!" Tsunade yelled.

The two advisers looked at eachother before pointing out the window.

Tsunade looked outside and her eye twitched just a little.

"WHO THE FUCK STOLE MY SPECIAL EDITION RAMEN!" Naruto's demonic voice echoed across the village.

Even from where she stood, Tsunade could clearly see the dark orange aura that angrily surrounded the boy.

In a large cloud of smoke there were hundreds if not thousands of Naruto clones each one looking equally as pissed of as the original.

"GO MY MINIONS! HUNT DOWN THE THEIF! THEY WILL RUE THE DAY THEY STOLE FROM THEIR KING!" Naruto shouted as all the clones started breaking into houses, and searching high and low.

Tsunade stared at the window before looking back at the two advices who looked just as done with this shit as she did.

"Did he just say.... king?" Tsunade asked.

The male of the room spoke.

"Yes... he and Shiro are the kings of the land of Fire, waves, Sound, Tea and Rice." He explained. The old man rubbed his head only praying he could be rid of his headache.

"Wait a minute... if they're kings then why is there a need for a Hokage?" She asked. She could be doing better things.... like drinking.

"Well the twins kept the position as the Hokage is still the leader of the village it's just they're the leaders of the land" He explained once more.

Tsunade just took her hat and sat down. If Naruto was a handful she had a feeling his brother would be too.

As if on cue, Shiro stuck his head of of their apartment window his usual blue eyes glowing red with anger.

"NARUTO YOU DUMBASS!! SHUT THE FUCK UP! YOU HID YOUR STUPID RAMEN IN YOU MESSY ROOM NOW LET. ME. SLEEP!"  Shiro's demonic voice, (which was a lot scarier than Naruto's) Echoed out.

All the clones dissapeared at in one go while Naruto froze on the roof of a building. He was back to normal and stared humbly at his twin.

"Oh.... oops" Naruto said. A sweat drop formed on his head at the dark glare his twin gave him.

Tsunade rubbed her head.

"Shizune, I'm going to need a lot of alcohol" Tsunade said to her assistant. For once Shizune could not blame the woman.


Shisui was pushing Itachi towards a certain house. Despite the youngers obvious resistance Shisui pushed forward.

"Shisui this is a bad idea for a number of reasons" Itachi muttered.

"Yup! One being that you've been a damm chicken for too long!" Shisui replied.

"No, the are more reasons than that. What if she still thinks I'm Gay? what if she doesn't like me? What if she doesn't like Dangos?..." Itachi stopped on that last one. "Wait... what if she really doesn't like Dangos... dear Kami I can't live with that" Itachi muttered.

Shisui ignored the boys ramblings, he had been doing so since Shisui first told him about his plan for today.

Shisui had been sick and tired of seeing Izumi and Itachi make those stupid 'Goo Goo' eyes at eachother. So if Itachi was gonna be too much of a pussy to do something about it Shisui was gonna step in.

"She doesn't, She does, She loves them so calm the hell down and talk to her!" He yelled.

They had reached their destination. Placing Itachi infront of the door he slammed a box of 24 Dangos in his hands banged his fist on the door and dissapeared faster than Itachi could say sweets.

Izumi opened the door.


"Hn... I um.... Dango?" He asked holding the box up.

Izumi seemed to understand and smiled letting the teen Inside.

Shisui who was watching from the trees high fives himself.

"Great job Shisui... Oh I know I know, no need to flatter me" Shisui said speaking to himself.

Honestly what would that Weasel do without him.


"Wait wait wait, let me get this straight. You want me to leave the village. Become a rouge Ninja, risk losing my Hime's trust and affection, Risk getting my ass whooped by my mum all so you can bite me on the neck to give me some stupid powers to make me stronger than Itachi.... I get that right?" Sasuke asked.

He stared blankly at Orochimaru and the Sound 4. The snake had been looking a lot more worried after he found out that the Uzumaki's now own his land .

"Correct" Orochimaru replied.

"And you see nothing wrong with any of that? Nothing at all?" Sasuke replied, his face still blank as ever.

"None whatsoever" Orochimaru shot back.

"Ok. Let me take you through this. 1. I don't want anyone to bite me on the neck that's not a kink of mine. 2. You seem to have an ulterior motive. 3. My mother is the Scariest woman I know and I'm not risking it. 4. My Hime is the second scariest woman I know and I'm not risking it. Finally, my two teammates are the Uzumaki twins, on what planet to I want to push my luck with them" Sasuke replied.

"... you're 13 what do you know of kinks?" The snake asked.

"Enough to know that you biting me on the neck will not be worth it. Good luck with anyone else though!" Sasuke yelled as he ran off.

He wanted to find and hug Hinata, she always gave the best hugs.

Orochimaru however felt a shiver go down his spine.

"I thought I told you to get the fuck off my Land" Shiro growled.

"Noted" the snake replied. He dissapeared faster than anyone would have guessed he could have

Honestly, people needed to stop testing his patience. One day Shiro was going to kill someone who disobeyed him.

But for now a nap sounded great.


Yh... I really forgot I had stories to Write.

My bad.

This was written at 5 am with me running on no sleep, a packet of Hula Hoops and a can of red bull.

So umm... yeah

I hope you enjoyed this.

Ja ne!

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