C rank Hell

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Oh god no.

No one saw it coming, the two of them make the cruellest duo to ever pass, and nobody could stop them.

Because who Knew.... That Shiro, and the Evil cat Tora would get along so well.

Team 7 was always handed Tora missions and for one simple reason, Shiro was the only one who could get Tora to willingly return to her owner.

They didn't think it was possible, but Naruto just guessed the Evil minds think alike.

But not the point, in short terms team 7 was sick of shit missions.

Naruto wanted something more exciting, Shiro wanted a new test subject for his gravity seals, Sasuke wanted to be with Hinata and show off in Hope's of winning her affection, and Sakura was still tryna draw Sasuke's attention.

So what happens when the Uzumaki devils both have the same target? Well hell is a short answer.



Hiruzen sat in his seat His once white robe now black from the soot, his whole office was completely pink and everything in the room had been blown to smithereens.

Kakashi and Shisui had been tied up and shoved into the corner of the room, so they couldn't stop it either.

"You win... I'll give you a c Rank..." Hiruzen muttered wiping the paint off his face.

"MMMHMHMHMM!!!" Shisui yelled through the gag.

"He means now that you have your mission can you release us?" Kakashi asked.

Now the smart viewers are probably wondering why they don't just escape?

Simple Shiro's Seals, amazing what those things can do when used by someone with a crazy and creative mind.

And that's how Team 7 and Hinata (courtesy of Sasuke picking her up and walking out the gate with her) ended up escorting an old drunk bridge builder.

"S-sasuke, was it necessary t-to kidnap m-me?" Hinata asked a deadpan held on her face as she looked at the boy who only smiled at her.

She was very confused as to how she won his heart, but she did and if she was being honest, he was being a bit cute... but mostly annoying.

"Oh my silly hime, everything is necessary when it comes to you" Sasuke responded handing the girl a Lavender flower.

"Cool it Romio, we're on a mission remember on a mission" Naruto stated.

"I'm gonna die" Tazuna muttered.

"Not by rouge Ninja you're not. You're probably gonna die by him" Shisui stated pointing at Shiro.

Shiro looked at Tazuna and gave an evil smirk before facing forward.

Ahh yes, he was indeed going to die on this trip.

It didn't take long before the group ended up on the a boat floating across a river.

Now I bet you're wondering, what happened to the demon brothers? Well... they were currently tied up and were being dragged across the lake from behined the boat.

Shiro really didn't know if they had drowned or not but they stopped struggling about 20 minutes ago.

"So will you help me?" Tazuna asked.

"Of course, but I'm not doing this for you. The land of waves will be the first country I rule... I mean ally with when I become The Hokage (King of the World) Believe it!" Naruto announced.

Shiro only smirked, of course he was going to help Naruto rule the world, after all it seemed like fun.

Sasuke ignored the two.

"I'm not doing this for you. I'm doing this because my Hime asked me to" Sasuke announced as he crossed his arms.

"We have no say in the matter" Shisui admitted while eating a Dango.

"What he said" Kakawhi muttered reading his book.

When they reached land Shiro handed Naruto a seal that he wrapped around his Kunai before handing it to Hinata, who cloaked the Kunai in Chakra finally before giving the Kunai to Sasuke.

"What the hell is that for?" Shisui asked.

All four kids looked back at the idiot before simultaneously releasing a sigh.

"And he's the adult" Shiro mutterd.

"Who decided that making you an adult was a smart choice?" Sasuke asked.

With no hesitation Sasuke threw the Kunai to a tree, the Kunai was caught by a hand that revealed to be Zabuza.

Before the guy could even get a word out the Kunqi began to burn his hand because of the Chakra coating it. It then exploded thanks to the seal, and because of the type of Kunai it was it shattered sending bits of burning metal all over Zabuza.

He was unconscious.

"Shit we forgot the brothers on the boat!" Naruto yelled.

Shiro shrugged, stepped over the unconscious Zabuza and continued walking.

The others soon joined him.

So far the mission was going great.

"Haku they could have blinded me" Zabuza said, he was completely pissed off.

Yup, the mission was definitely going great.


Lol this was so stupid but so fun.

Hope you enjoyed.

Ja ne

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