No Fucking Way

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Shisui almost died.

He was so fucking close to dying like holy shit.

That bastard Danzo was so fucking close to getting Shisui's eye. There was just one thing stopping him.

Shiro's seals.

Dear Kami does he love that Sadistic fucke, Whwn Shiro heard that Shisui had the Mangekyo, (no one knows how he found out) he immediately began creating a seal that would make it near impossible for the users eyes to be extracted.

The seal itself was simple and the strength of it relied on the will power of the wearer.

The less he wanted his eyes taken the stronger the seal was.

Right now however, he was speeding back to his clan, if he can get there before dark he can finally cast Kotoamatsukami on Fugaku, shut down this who civil war shit and Finally enjoy his food in peace!

All he had to do was get there before dark.... time to push his speed to the limit, he is one of the fastest Ninjas alive.


Sasuke, Naruto, Hinata and Shiro were all in the Uzumaki's apartment.

Sasuke was here because Itachi gave him the polite version of Get the fuck out of the house.

Hinata was here because she was avoiding her Father as usual.

"Ugh! I'm so bored!!!" Naruto shouted.

"Hn" Sasuke grunted.

"What s-should we do t-then?" Hinata asked.

Shiro was off in the corner working on a way to kill Danzo.

That seal replaced on Shisui to protect his eyes sent a signal to him with a sample if the Chakra signature of the one who tried to take it.

Fucking Danzo.

Shiro knew where his 'hidden' base was it took him all of five minutes to find it underneath the Hokage mountain, and the entrance was the that water Bastards head.

Like seriously, dumbest place ever.

"Shiro, what are you doing?" Naruto asked.

"Working on a bomb, if it works... it will be a very beautiful beat to go with dance that shall accompany it.." Shiro stated, an evil grin plastered on his face.

"Dobe, translation?" Sasuke asked.

"Ahh! If the Bomb works right it will set off multiple explosions that will coincide with Shiro fighting someone.... I think" Naruto explained.

All three looked at the blond boy.

"You know what Coincide means?" Sasuke asked shocked.

"I-impressive N-Naruto!" Hinata cheered.

"No, I just heard Shiro say it before" Naruto replied.

"Tch, I'm not Surprised" Shiro grumbled.

His brother was such an idiot, he misses Izuna, but one would take what they could get.

Suddenly a loud scratching was heard from the Kitchen, Naruto, Sasuke and Hinata all looked at the Kitchen.

Naruto blinked before grabbing a packet of crackers nearby, he pulled out around five and threw them into the Kitchen.

"Eat those Gary! Will feed you better food later!" Naruto yelled.

"I forgot about Gary" Sasuke grumbled and Hinata nodded.

Naruto then just threw the rest of the packet into the Kitchen.

"Just take the rest for Jane and Scoundrel!" Naruti yelled again, an indescribable noise was made in return.

"You're welcome!" Naruto shouted once more.

"J-Jane?" Hinata asked.

"Scoundrel?" Sasuke asked.

"Yeah! Gary's wife and kid, we discovered 'em a few day ago, I named Jane and Shiro named Scoundrel!" Naruto explained.

Sasuke and Hinata  hose not to question they had long since learned to stop doing that around these two.


Ino was walking down the dirt path road, she had a few flowers in her hand as she had to make a quick delivery for her mother.

Walking up to the Uchiha compound she was slightly excited. Deliveries were the only time people were allowed in.

She showed the Guards her pass.and walked in and what she saw shocked her to the core.

A boy no older than 13 was walking down the road dragging an older boy.

"'Tachi! You gotta beleive me! I was gonna die!" The one on the floor yelled.

"Hn, get off Shisui you're attracting attention" the younger boy said.

Wait... Shisui? He was the one who she was supposed to deliver the flowers to.

Chasing after the two (surprisingly) fast boys she saw something even more shocking.

Sasuke and Hinata were tied back to back and hung upside down on a tree.

The short boy and Shisui were looking at the two with slight shock, but what shocked her was that Sasuke and Hinata were blushing bright red.... oh ship.

Shisui was laughing his ass off at the sight while the smaller boy looked slightly amused.

"Oh shut up! Did you do the thing!" Sasuke yelled.

"Yeah I did that hours ago relax, no civil war here, now do you want some help Sasu-Chan!" Shisui taunted.

"Fuck you!" Sasuke yelled.

"Hn, I'm leaving you there for swearing" The smaller boy said.

Ino decided to tap on Shisui's shoulder.

"Eh? Oh Hi! What do you need little flower?" Shisui asked.

Ino blushed, why were all Uchiha's cute?

"Delivery for you" she said.

Sasuke and Hinata recognised that voice.

"I-ino?" Hinata asked.

"Hi Hinata, how did you get like that?" Ino asked.

"Ah, S-sasuke annoyed Shiro s-so he tied us up, w-whispered something to S-sasuke and we've been s-stuck blushing since" Hinata explained.

Ino looked at the two and saw that the way they were tied made it so that their hands were being forced to be held....

She smirked, Shiro knew what he was doing, and she was most definitely going to join in.


Idk what the goal for this book is, it's really just to be as strange as possible so yeah...

Shisui is alive, so is the clan, Danzo will get what's coming to him soon, and now I o has joined the crazy mix.

Hope you enjoyed!

Ja Ne!

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