Cannon Pov

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Team 7 and Hinata were flung back through the portal. As they exited, all bt Naruto landed on their feet. He landed on his face... as usual.

The group glanced around at eachother in silence, what could they possibly say after what they had just seen.

"Wow... that was... seriously weird believe it!" Naruto yelled out while rubbing the back of his sore head.

Kakashi had put his book away and glanced up at the sky. He could tell from one glance that they were back home. It was indeed odd seeing himself and the others seem so..... care free.

Sakura was upset she didn't get to see herself but instead discovered that in another world Sasuke could indeed show his affection for others... well for Hinata at least. She silently glared at the Hyuga girl with envy. What did Hinata have that Sakura didn't?

Naruto was upset. Very much so, in another world he has a brother. A Brother! He was also a King there! Here... well...

Looking up Naruto watched as the villagers walked past him giving him dark glares and looks of hatred. What he wouldn't give to go back there... that hurt more than anything. To know there was a world that accepted him... and he couldn't go there.

Hinata seemed the least affected. Sure it was odd seeing Sasuke act like that over her of all people, but it wasn't the Sasuke she knew. No the Sasuke she was use to was staring at her with an unreadable expression.

She still likes Naruto though. Her crush over the blond loud mouth wouldn't vanish just because she knew how Romantic Sasuke could be. That would be odd and ridiculous. Honestly, She'll leave Sasuke for Sakura.

It's not to say the boy isn't her type because truth be told she doesn't have one... unless you count loud and blond. No, it's just that Sasuke seems to have another goal in mind that has no room for love. Hinata would never get in someones way for her own benefit.

Finally was Sasuke. Who again was staring at Hinata with an unreadable expression. He was more so.... curious. Sure she looked kinda nice, and on the odd sentence she didn't stutter, her stern voice reminded him of his mother. But that was where the list of interest ended.

Maybe his other version could see something he couldn't? Maybe she would be an excellent peice to use on his journey for revenge? Nah, he's an Uchiha not an asshole, he couldn't drag the innocent Hinata onto his blood filled path.

Hmmm. Maybe his other self is insane. That's always an option.

"Compared to their world... ours sucks" Naruto spoke up.

The group looked at him as he glared at the ground to avoid the hate filled gazes of the villagers.

"I don't see what's so appealing about that place!" Sakura replied. After all her precious Sasuke was interested in Hinata there.

"How about me having family, or the Village not hating me" Naruto muttered.

"Hn, or that my clan is alive" Sasuke also spoke up not liking what he heard.

Sakura closed her mouth.

"I liked I-it there. N-neji doesn't hate me, a-and I seemed so c-confident" Hinata muttered. She really did like how her other self handle Sasuke as if he was a Nuisance. She couldn't pretend to act like that even if her life depended on it.

Everyone looked at Kakashi as they expected him to say something.

"Maa~ it is what it is. We have our world and they have theirs. Even if you did like theirs better we have our own world to look after. Focus on that." He explained before dissapearing.

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