Journey? I think the fuck not

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Jiraiya was on his knees before the Uzumaki twins. His face was bloodied and bruised and to top it off Naruto, Shiro and Sasuke were glaring at the man with blood red eyes.

The two Uzumaki's abusing the power of the Kyubj and the Uchiha using his clans technique.

"I can't even try to save you from them" Tsunade stated. She was leaned back in her seat, her feet on the table and a bottle of Sake in her hand.

It didn't take long for her to adapt to being Konoha's Hokage, she basically just had to keep the village running, Shiro and Naruto did almost everything else.

Of course if you choose to ignore the fact that the Uzumaki's are kings of over half of the five nations, that includes the main five nations.

Honestly If Tsuande didn't know how determined they were she honestly wouldn't believe her eyes, because at this rate the twins would rule the world by the time they hit 14.

Right Back to Jiraiya. I bet by now your curious as to what he actually did that pissed off all three boys of team 7. It's very, very, VERY simple if you think about it.

Jiraiya... peeked on Hinata when she was in the hot springs.

Now Peeking on a Hyuga is never a smart idea in the firsts place, but when this Specific Hyuga is friends with the two Uzumaki's that own any land you could think of running away too... well again. Just not a smart idea.

So when Hinata reported to the twins and Sasuke who had peeked on her. Well the man was promptly found and thrown head first through the nearest wall... which sadly belonged to Kakashi's house.

"I just wanted to find Naruto after teaching him and got distracted" Jiraiya muttered.

"By a 13 year old almost naked girl?" Shiro stated.

"Ok well when you put it like that it makes it sound bad but I was doing it for research!" Jiraiya said trying to defend himself.

"You were researching... a 13 year old... Almost Naked... girl..." Sasuke growled.

"Well yeah for my next book!"  Jiraya stated.

"For a BOOK! A GOD DAMN BOOK!" Shiro yelled out in rage, he suddenly appeared before Jiraiya with a Kunai held up against his throught.

"You can't kill him" Sasuke muttered.

"Hn, why not?" Shiro growled.

Sasuke too appeared next to Jiraiya with a Kunai aimed at the mans eyes.

"Because I want to be the one to do it..." Sasuke explained.

Jiraya had never been so scared in his damn life. He was being threatened by 13 year olds dammit. He is the great Toad sage, there is no way he can let them scare him into submission like this.

"Listen, the reason why I even came here was to teach Naruto and Shiro some of their father's techniques," Jiraiya bargained.

"Hand me the scroll then" Shiro replied.


"The scroll, if your going to try and teach techniques, I refuse to believe you didn't have some scroll that explains them on you. The fourth Hokage wasn't that stupid" Shiro replied.

"I can't do that" Jiraiya responded.

He gained two dark glares in return.

"B-but I can take you two on a journey to train your abilities without risking harm to anyone!" He yelled.

"A journey?" Shiro started.

"With you?" Naruto continued.

"I think the fuck not" Shiro finished.

"So hand over the scroll old man" Naruto said.

"Because there will be nowhere you can hide if you don't, Believe it" The brothers threatened together.


Itachi was sitting in a tree he was eating a Dango and watched as Haku explored the village.

Shisui was next to him.

"Ok so I know I like to say I'm 18 but do you think I'd be arrested if I tried to date him?" Shisui asked.

"Immediately" Itachi replied without hesitation.

"But the age gap isn't th-"

"Immediately" Itachi interrupted.

"But if he's into it th-"

"Without a second thought. And I would help them" Itachi interrupted once more before taking a bite out of his Dango.

"It's not that bad!" Shisui yelled.

"Hn. Shisui... you are 23... Haku is 15. If you even try, I will lock you in a Genjutsu for so long you'll forget reality existed" Itachi explained.

"I'm still gonna ask" Shisui said.

Instantly Shisui was locked in a Genjutsu. He was still in Konoha there was just no one around not a soul in sight and no matter how many times he tried to break the Genjutsu there was always another layer.

What? He had warned him? Uchiha are not Pedophiles.


Kiba sat in hospital and stared out the window. Akamaru was laid next to him completely unharmed.

He watched as a shadow flew closer to his window before coming throught it and crashing into multiple beds.

Shiro was stood at the broken window seal, his body was cover in a dark orange aura that seemed almost red. His usual blue eyes were red and his two whisker Mark's where much more prominent.

"Beg for your life Pervert and perhaps I may let you die quickly" Shiro growled, revealing his sharpened fangs.

Naruto then appeared at the door. Much like Shiro he was covered in a dark orange aura, although slightly lighter than Shiro's. His eyes were also red and his whiskers prominent.

"Don't lie to Pervy-Sage Shiro. Even if he begged we'd never give him a quick death, believe it" Naruto explained.

Shiro nodded in agreement before grabbing the collar of the barley conscience Sannin and threw him out of a different window from what they entered....






They're on the 7th floor.

Kiba watched in stunned silence as Naruto formed a ball of pure Chakra, and Shiro had also done the same. The two combined their Chakra to make a bigger ball of Chakra.

"Massive Rasengan!" They yelled jumping from the window.

Now Kiba didn't see the damage but he sure as hell heard it. He could only prey for the Sannin. He really chose the wrong leaders to mess with.


Ok so if you didn't know I've been MIA because I'm adjusting to Uni, Work and so.e other stuff.

So I apologize for making you wait but also thank you for not giving up on me.

I'm slowly making my way through my stories and are updating them one at a time.

Ghosts, is next then I don't need Magic to kill so just bare with me for a little bit.

Thanks guys.

Ja ne!

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