Stupid Snake

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Sooo... Orochimaru may have miscalculated... again. No, he didn't make another portal, the twins might actually kill him if he did. So what did he do then?

Well... he made a chemical, a stupid one at that. Funny in hindsight... but this wasn't hindsight. What did this chemical do? A classic really.

Made two people swap bodies for a day, or at least what he hoped would be a day. Why was this bad? We'll his two, uh... subjects.. were Sasuke and Neji.

It was supposed to be Sasuke and Kiba, sadly it only works with the last person they subject interacted with... which sadly for Sasuke was Neji.

Meh, it would be fine...






"THIS IS NOT OK!!" Sasuke in Neji's body shouted at the top of his lungs. It was an odd sight for Hinata, never did she think she would hear her cousin shout. Even if it was Sasuke now piloting the body.

"How do you think I feel? Stuck in this... ugh thing," Neji growled he hated this as much as the Uchiha did. It sucked and honestly, needed to be fixed... and soon.

"W-we should probably alert the twins. They m-might know what to do," Hinata added. She was getting better at becoming use to the stupid shit that happened around her. She honestly believed that Sasuke was the main magnet for the stupidity, but Neji was a close second.

"Right! Of course Hime, correct as always," Sasuke sighed.

Hinata visibly cringed at that. For the fist time in all the years sasuke had tried flirting with her, this was the first negative reaction.

Neji cringed also, he grabbed the back of... uh... his? Shirt and pulled himself away from Hinata.

"Don't do that in my body!" Neji demanded, the craziest part... he activated the Sharinagn.

"Don't use my own Dojutsu against me!" Sasuke shouted... he also activated the Byakugan.

Hinata slapped both of them on the back of their heads and left them on the ground. Rolling her eyes, she headed for the Hokage tower the Twins would be able to fix this... right?


"I.... How?.... ok..." Shiro sighed. He had woken up on what he thought would be a normal day. Why did he think it was normal? Because it turned out that he was somehow in control of Naruto's body.

For normal people this would warrant some kind of reaction.... sadly Shiro was anything but.


I'll give you three guesses.

Naruto slammed open his bedroom door in Shiro's body. His eyes were red in anger. He stormed over to Shiro and started to shake his body back and forth.

"Give it back! Give my good looks back to me!" He yelled out.

Shiro grabbed his shirt and threw Naruto, or... himself? Sure head first out the window. Giving a heavy sigh he went out the front door, he had a feeling as to who had done this.

As he was heading to the door, he saw a body trying and failing to fit into their kitchen cupboard. Grabbing the victims jacket and pulling them back revealed that Tobi guy from the other day, only he wasn't speaking and looked... wild? What?

"AHHHHHHH! What has happened to Tobi! Tobi has become some sort of Gremlin!"

Ah, Tobi and Gary had swapped also. Shiro could only laugh at the situation. He did wonder who else had swapped bodies. Was it everyone or only a few people? Hmm...

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