Time Devil's

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So after wrecking havoc and now ruling a planet. It really didn't take them that long. Only 3 months, which is a record they were proud of. The twins discovered a way for them al to head back home....





"Thank the guard,"

"I'm not thanking the rat,"

"Gary made it easier for us!"

"I. Don't. Care,"

"Ok well who else would fight that, everyone guy?"

"You mean All for one?"

"It's a long name dammit!?

Sasuke sat watching the two Uzumaki argue back and forth. Hinata sat behind him on her knees so that she could make little braids in his hair. Shisui was laying next to them on his back taking a nap, and Gary was wrapped in a grey blanket on his stomach.

This whole argument was happening while Shiro was meddling with his seals in hopes of finding them a way home. Usually by now, Orochimaru would have fixed his mistake but he twins weren't in Konoha to... 'motivate' him to do so.

"We could have easily handled All for one," Shiro continued.

"Well yeah! But Gary did it for us, so the least you could do is say thank you, believe it!" Naruto replied, he stood Infront of Shiro with his hands on his hips.

"My thanks to him is not erasing his existence, which I should have done years ago," Shiro replied. He stood up with the seal in his hands. "Alright our ticket out of here is done, Oi! nuisances! Hyuga! Abomination get up! We're leaving,"

Shisui shot up with his eyes closed, his clothes messy and a sloppy salute. Gary didn't even flinch.

Class 1A and the UA teachers watched the team of menaces in silence. The two devils had single handedly fixed the hero, villain system.

What they did was simple, hero was no longer a job. Instead it now operated much like Vigilantes but with a bonus. Information boards were posted everywhere holding faces of villains and a price underneath.

If you caught them and braught them to the Police, you would get the reward. If you didn't want the reward then you didn't have to take it. If operations were built to extort money then the same villain would cost less the next time they were caught.

The idea was simple, capture hem because they're causing trouble not because of the money. As of right now it was working... And well.

A large portal opened up and the Ninja prepared to leave.

"Thanks for giving us something to do!" Naruto shouted while laughing.

Sasuke, who now had small random braids in his hair held Hinata bridal style and stepped through the portal without saying anything. How dare they assume they could speak to his Queen. The audacity honestly.

Shisui just tiredly walked in with Gary on his back. Shiro mere seconds behind him.

With that they were on their way, hopefully back to Konoha. There prayers were answered...


Be real, things have never been that easy for the Uzumaki twins. No, instead Shiro was face to face with a much younger version of his old self.

Madara stared at the Uzumaki in shock. Hashirama had a very similar look on his face also.

"Oi, Shiro this ain't Konoha," Shisui perked up.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2023 ⏰

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