Whose in charge!?

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Two pairs of blue eyes stared.

A single pair of red eyes stared back.




"Ok, so I know they told us he was sealed in us... I just... expected him to be smaller.." Naruto stated.

"Why would you expect that?" Shiro asked.

"Well the idea that a creature of this size were stuffed into two newborns... yeah I don't know about that one chief..." Naruto explained.

"I hope ou two are aware that you are the biggest menaces that I have ever seen." Kurama pointed out. He had to get it out. These Uzumaki's essentially rule the world.

They Rule. The. World.

What the actual fuck? And he thought dealing with Madara was bad. Nope! He was wrong, very wrong because while he will NEVER admit it... these two actually strike some fear into him...

The worst part? THEY ARE STILL 12!

Who the hell!? Rules the world! In less than a year!?

What the fuck?

How the fuck?

"Eh? Menace? Me!? No way! Maybe Shiro, but not me believe it!" Naruto yelled out.

Both gave him a deadpan stare before going back to talking.

"Heh, well I hope you'll continue to assist us." Shiro stayed. Though the dark gleam in his eyes made it clear that he was not giving Kurama a choice.

"R-right..." he gave a sweat drop at that. Never in his years of being sealed did Kurama actually think he was going to be threatened by a child and actually believe them...

Uzumaki's man...


Itachi was eating Dangos in peace. Next to him still frozen and staring off into space was Shisui who had spent about a day and a half trapped in his Genjutsu.

Itachi often wondered why Shisui let's this shit happen to him. It's not like he can't break out of them, he's an Uchiha too after all... hmmm...

Maybe he's a Masochist and actually enjoys being in Genjutsus? Allthough Itachi has been doing this to him since they were children... so maybe Itachi was better at making Genjutsus than he originally thought?... hmmm....

Suddenly in what he could only call survival instinct, he quickly finished his Dango and threw the stick as far as possible.

Right after he did Mikoto appeared.

"Itachi have you seen your brother?" She asked the boy who had literally just finished swallowing.

"No, sorry try asking the twins or Hinata" He replied.

"Hmm.. alright" she muttered before dissapearing.

Itachi let out a sigh of relief. That was too close for comfort.

"Wow, 18 years old and your still scared of your mother?" Shisui's condescending voice broke the silence.

Slowly turning to glare at the older Uchiha, Itachi decided something.

"Hn, are you trying to say that your not scared of her?" He asked.

Shisui froze.

Itachi dissapeared.

Then reappeared.

"Hn... I suggest you run" Itachi said sitting back down and pulling out a a book.


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