I'm Seeing Double?

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Yeah, Orochimaru may have fucked up here. He was just messing with some seals, he didn't mean to create anything Major....

He only issue was that now! There was a massive Portal that could possibly lead unknown dangers to the village.

Now normally thos thing wouldn't really bother him, infact he would probably welcome it... if he hadn't just watched the current rulers of 80% of the five nations almost cripple his old team mate.

Jiraiya was definitely getting some level of PTSD for that.

So I bet you're thinking! 'Oi! Oreo-Pedo! Just close the damn portal!'

Yeah... he can't. Believe me! He would if he could, but the seal that was used to open the portal was nowhere to be found... so he did the only thing he could think of....




He told the kings.

"Why?" Shiro sighed looking at the portal. It was ontop of the Hokage mountain.

Naruto walked it a few times, but didn't touch it. Sasuke too walked around it but kept throwing the occasional rock inside.

Hinata stood off to the side trying to analyse the thing with her Byakugan, and Kakashi, Shisui, Itachi and Tsunade all watched as the 13 year old king scolded Orochimaru.

"I was just experimenting" Orochimaru replied.

"But why?" Shiro asked once more. He was too old and too young for this shit. Is it that much of a pain for one peaceful day in this village of his.

"Maybe we should toss him in it!" Naruto yelled out.

"Or toss Gary in it" Sasuke stated.

"S-sasuke, the day y-you catch Gary i-is the day the w-world ends" Hinata replied.

"Tora then" Sasuke rebuked.

"Tora is harder to catch than Gary!" Shisui spoke up.

"Yeah! And leave Gary alone! He's been busy looking after Jane and Scoundrel!" Naruto spoke up.

"And robbing Shisui's food" Itachi said.


"Focus! Big portal with potential danger here!" Tsunade spoke up.


Everyone looked around at eachother.

"That wasn't any of you right?" Kakashi asked.

Everyone shook their heads and looked to the portal before taking a few steps back.

Instantly after, some very recognizable yellow hair flew through and landed face first onto the dirt ground. Next came similar raven and dark blue hair, before finally pink and silver came through with the portal closing behined.

The new group of five steadily got up from the ground and stood infront of the current versions....




"Am I seeing double? Or is that just me?" Shisui spoke up.

"Hn" Itachi muttered biting into his Dango stick. (Don't ask, I don't even know where it came from and I write this shit)

"Uhh? What?" The other Naruto said.

"Hn, stupid dobe! Now look at what you've done!" The other Sasuke yelled while smaking Naruto on the back of the head.

"Hey!" The other Naruto yelled.

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