Girls are confusing

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Naruto stood infront of the mirror admiring his non existent abs, when Shiro walked in and saw him, he just slowly walked back out.

"I am beautiful dammit" Naruto said to himself flexing, he was so hyped about today.

Why you ask? Well... today Naruto was going to get a girlfriend.

Hell yeah, he was already 7 and he had come to the executive decision... well after a long chat with Gary and Tora, that 7 year old Naruto needed a girlfriend.

Why? Well if Naruto was going to be the ruler of the world..... I mean the Hokage... then he would need a queen to stand by his side.

Hinata was off the table, Sasuke had claimed her already, which was sad because she would be damm perfect, alas Naruto had to find new selections.

Combing his hair so it was spiked up more, he put on his short sleeved shirt, and smiled in the mirror...

God damm was he handsome.

He stole some of Shiro's deodorant and sprayed, before strutting out of the house, oh yeah today was the day.

Again Shiro saw the whole thing, but chose to ignore the situation because there was no way in hell Naruto would walk back through those doors with a girlfriend.

Now obviously Naruto couldn't just choose anyone, most of the girls his age hated him thanks to their parents... nonono, he had to select carefully.

He also had to make sure they willing to be friends with Hinata, because Jashin save anyone who harms Hinata.

Strolling down the street, Naruto saw his first Target, she was on the bottom of his list due to how she may act towards Hinata... but again she was a possibility.


With a small smirk on his face, Naruto put on a pair of sunglasses, baught a milkshake and slid next to Sakura, who was sitting on a park bench.

He tilted the glasses down and took a sip of his drink.

"Hey beautiful, how about we take a stroll under the trees that were named after you Hmm?" He asked...




The milkshake was over his head in seconds.

"The hell do you want Naruto!" Sakura yelled.

Shaking his hair out, he tried again.

"I just want to take a moment to observe your natural beauty, I'm allowed to do that right?" He asked.

This time he was punched across the park.

"You're being a real creep Naruto stay away from me!" She shouted running off.

Naruto blinked, adjusted his sunglasses, and poured water over his head to quickly rins put the milkshake.

He then pulled out a list.

Possible queens of the w̶o̶r̶l̶d̶  Village





No other girls known.

He then crossed out Sakura, no way he is dating someone who poured a perfectly good Milkshake over his head.

He would have been more ok with it, if she just took the darn thing.

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