3. Friend or Foe?

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Sasuke Uchiha was at a loss, he was so confused.

Let me explain, today was the third day at the Ninja Academy, when he first arrived he treated everyone like they were dirt beneath his feet.

Not worth his time.

However, when a Certain red head, easily controlled the obvious class clown, it.. well it caught his attention.

Naruto, had decided to drop glitter over the teachers head on the first day.

Shiro then decided to tie Naruto up in a rop and drag him around for the rest of the day....

That was day one.

The next day, Sasuke witnessed Shiro singlehandedly defeat 3 Gennin, Freaking Gennin, sure it doesn't sound like much... but they are 5, the Gennin of this generation are at minimum 12 - 13, all of which know basic Jutsu's.

Sasuke wanted that strength, maybe then his father would start placing Sasuke in his own light, instead of trying to fill the stage that Itachi left behined.

So Sasuke followed Shiro, it was the only way for him to see his training schedule, and possibly, probably, copy it.

But when Sasuke followed him into a Dark huge forrest, Labeled The Forrest of death, which in hindsight wasn't his smartest move, and got lost well... let's just say some bad things happened and leave it at that.

Anyway, that second day is when he finally, after a very near death experience, (which would haunt him for years to come), confronted Shiro.

Their conversation was simple and it turned into a contract, Sasuke would keep the Fangirls off Shiro and in exchange, Shiro would help him train in private.

Nothing too disastrous, just a little thing that got Shiro his peace and quiet.

Anyway, this bring the poor lad to day three were he was currently in the Uzumaki household.

He didn't expect two 5 year old to have their own apartment but let's be real, Shiro acts as if he's 80.

But this is where Sasuke was confused and maybe even a little scared.

The place was as clean as can be, but for about 5 minutes straight Sasuke hadn't taken his eyes off of a Kitchen Cupboard, where he saw a pair of yellow eyes stair back at him.

Now he didn't know what it was, and if he was being honest with himself, he really didn't want to know.

However if the fact that both Naruto and Shiro act as if that thing, is normal well, then this was the day that Sasuke had officially lost his Sanity.

"Are, neither of you going to admit that you have a monster in your cupboard" Sasuke finally spoke up, he couldn't take it anymore.

"Oi! Teme, Gary isn't a Monster, he's our Guard, he watches the place while were gone" Naruto yelled.

Oh god they named it, freaking named it. The light caught it slightly, it was like a small bear, shaped like a rat, with cat ears, and scruffy fur and whiskers.

Ok, Saskue had no idea how to explain that thing, all he could say, is that if he Never saw it again, that would be too soon.

"Gary?" He asked, though the hesitation was clear, the curiosity behined the name Gary was much stronger. It was such an odd name after all.

"Don't question it, I tried to get rid of that abomination, but Naruto's ability to befriend anything and everything turned it into our Guard thing" Shiro explained, he looked as tired as Sasuke felt.

He honestly had no idea how to feel about the whole thing.


Itachi Uchiha was a man/ Boy of few words, it was rare you got a worded response from him let alone a full sentence.

He joined the ANBU at a young age, he was only 10, most Gennin are 13, yet here was a 10 year old ANBU.

If he was being honest he only joined it because of his Fathers, abnormally high expectations and for the bribery of Dangos that Shisui Promised.

Yes you heard correctly, Itachi really joined the ANBU for Dangos.

Now his usual mission, is to watch out for the Uzumaku twins along side Inu, (who he realizes is Kakashi) and Shisui, or Crow.

Not that he know why Shisui is called Crow and he gets stuck with weasel, which is literally the translation of his name.

If anything he should get crow, since he can summon them... not that he's jealous or anything.

Anyway his usual mission, got ever so slightly more interesting when he found Sasuke around the twins.

He was simply watching the three in the Twins apartment, (he's not a creep honest), and had come across how well the three got along.

Naruto was the voice of Mischief, he would often attempt to persuade the other two into joining him with his pranks.

Sasuke was the voice of Dedication, usually once they started something, be it Studying, training or pranking Sasuke would be the one to tell them that they'll stick to it till the end, which Itachi thought was odd, and yet made perfect sense, Sasuke wasn't a quitter.

Finally Shiro was the voice of Reason, if a Prank took it too far, or if their Training was going to land them in hospital Shiro was the one to step in and tell the pair it was time to stop.

Itachi was glad his brother befriended the Uzumaki Twins, he didn't think his brother would find someone like he had Shisui, but he found not one but two great friends.

And really that was all the Weasel could ask for.

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