A Day

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Ok so Shiro wasn't the biggest fan of Snow.

It was cold, wet and completely covered everything, it made it difficult to cover up your tracks and too easy to see when you were hurt as blood stood out on it like Sasuke does in Bakery.

In other words, snow was not Shinobi friendly, so the ex Uchiha hated it.

Naruto on the other hand was as happy as could be when snow finally rolled around.

It usually meant that Academy days were cut in half, and more time could be spent pranking or just having fun.

Complete opposites, were how the the twins were described, not that they cared.

"Tch, the only positive thing about this blasted weather is that, that creature chooses not to show itself when it's cold" Shiro complained... I mean, Uchiha's, ex or not don't complain, I meant stated.

The creature, or abomination as Shiro calls it, for some unknown reason hates the cold.

Naruto claims that Gary is just as grumpy as Shiro is so they both hate the cold, while Shiro just thinks that it's used to warm climates... not that Naruto knows what that means.

"Ahh, leave Gary alone, he watches the place while were gone, ya know, encase someone tries to break in again" Naruto announced, continuing his trudge to the academy.

You see a few months back one particular civilian made the unfortunate decision to attempt to break in and destroy the Twins apartment.

Although there were a few miscalculations to this plan.

One, Shiro had a few tester security seals around the house that blew the man up on detection, not enough to kill him, but enough to hurt like no ones business.

The second was Gary, and let's just say that he doesn't like someone, who has entered the apartment without one of the twins.

Hence why they called him a guard.

Needless to say after that day they haven't had an intruder again... at least not ones they've, or Gary have caught.

Shiro had the feeling that Crow, Inu and weasle had been trying to get rid of that thing but all have failed it's only a feeling, one that Shiro would never know was 100% correct.

They were almost done with their first year of the academy now, and Shiro could not be happier, they would get a few weeks off of the Academy.

That meant a few weeks away from all those loud, snot nosed brats, and those banshees who even managed to scare Gary into its hiding spot.

"Shiro can I prank someone today, pleeeaaase!!" Naruto whined. He had been fed up of Shiro interfering with all of his pranks. He just wants to have a little fun, but his brother is such a kill joy.


Naruto's eye twitched, he really hates that noise. It's very difficult to get Naruto to hate anything, dislike sure, but hate, no not really. But oh boy does he hate that noise.

That noise gets to him, so much so that when Sasuke made the same noise once Naruto pounced on him.

Yeah, Sasuke learned to not make that noise around the boy.

Shiro on the other hand knows the noise drives Naruto crazy, and proceeds to make it when Naruto says something he doesn't want to respond to.

Like today, he doesn't want Naruto to go pranking, but Naruto asking was more of a 'say yes so I can do it with permission' than a 'I'll do it only after you say yes' since he was going to prank someone one way or the other, he figured it was better to have his brother on his side than the Hokage's.

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