What the fuck is a Boruto?

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Sasuke was following behind Hinata like a lost puppy... as usual. The poor girl was far too used to this, so she had learned to tune out his Bullshit.

"Hime, I think we should go on a date! Like I'll take you to the bakery, then the lake, then the Hokage mountain. How does that sound?" Sasuke ranted. He was walking infront of her while walking backwards. Don't ask how he hasn't tripped, she doesn't know either. "I think it sounds great! We can avoid all the pests and have an excellent pest free date!" Sasuke Continued.

Something bumped into his back, causing him to stumble forward a little. He turned around ready to Bury the Idiotic human who interrupt his time with Hinata.

"Watch where your going!" The girl yelled. She was about his height, had red rimmed glasses, dark eyes and hair.

"Me! You have glasses no? Use em and walk around! I could've hit my hime!" Sasuke replied. He was ready to throw hands.

"Or, Don't walk backwards and watch where your going," She pointed out.

Hinata stepped between the two. "Sasuke enough," Hinata said sternly. Sasuke bowed his head slightly like a pup being scolded.

"Sorry hime," He muttered.

"S-sasuke? As in Sasuke Uchiha?" The girl asked.

"Hn, do you know of any other Sasuke's?" Sasuke muttered.

"I need your help," the girl said.

"W-what's wrong?" Hinata asked. She knew Sasuke would give her some sass.

"My name is Sarada, and I'm looking for a boy named Boruto, have you seen him?" Sarada asked.

Sasuke in a hot moment of brilliance, replied. "What the fuck is a Boruto?"


Shiro looked at the boy, the boy looked at him. Shiro looked at Naruto, Naruto was stuck staring at the boy. Shiro looked back to the boy who was still staring at them.

"Who the hell are you?" Naruto asked calmly.

He boy blinked.

"Umm... I'm not sure I'm supposed to answer that..." He replied carefully.

"Hn, you better answer it before I force you to," Shiro shit back.

The boy narrowed his eyes and got in a fighting stance, if he had to 4un he would.

Shiro looked to Naruto, who looked to Shiro. The boys looked back to the kid with a huff of laughter.

"You don't really think...." Naruto started, his whiskers grew more prominent, his blue eyes burnt a violent red, his teeth sharpened and a orange aura surrounded him.

"That you could possibly defeat us?" Shiro asked, he looked just like his brother only the aura was a darker orange.

The kid flinched, he knew there was no way he could beat them. Not separately or together.

"BORUTO!" A voice yelled out.

The three boys looked over and saw Hinata, Sasuke qnd a girl with red glasses following.

"Nope, nope, nope, nope," Sasuke repeated qs he skidded to a stop and did a 180 turn. "Sorry Sarada, tell your friend goodbye,"


"He's angered N-naruto enough to activate his c-chakra cloak. He's not seeing the sun t-tomorrow," Hinata agreed.

"WHAT!" Sarada yelled. She sprinted and got between the three boys.

Before she could, she was suddenly lifted up by the back of her shirt.

"Don't be stupid kid," Shisui said holding her up in the air.

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