Chapter 8 ~ ice cream

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Finally, school is done. It's the weekend! Marinette said to Tikki, while in her locker, then she closed it and adrien was round the Corner. " hey Marinette" adrien says smiling " AH, I mean uh- I- hey adrien!" She says nervously then giggles. " sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you, it's just I really appreciate you doing all this for me," adrien says looking at her. " what are friends for!" She says and laughs " you're more of a friend to me marinette, you're very trustworthy And kind. You are very talented too, I still have my hat that you designed for me. I just wanted to say thank you :) do you want me to give you a ride to mine then to yours :) we can walk to yours and maybe her Andres ice cream." Marinette has wide and exited eyes " YES!! I mean yes that would be amazing I'll just text my mum" marinette texts her mum then Alya " Going to adriens then we are getting Andres ice cream ahh!! Wish me luck because I'm gonna need it."

Adriens body guard picks them up from school and to adriens house and mr agreste comes down the stairs "How may I help, marinette" he says. The first thing she thinks is, he remembers my name, that's good. Right?! " hello mr agreste, as you know their is a camping trip and me Alya and Nino are going shopping tomorrow and we were wondering if adrien could come with us." She says with a smile on her face. Mr agreste still has a straight face and slightly changed the subject " you're a good friend to my son marinette, always coming here for him when no one will and you have a talent, and on that note I'll tell him go however he will have a tracker on his phone and his body guard will take him then and back." They both have surprised faces. "Thank you father, thank you marinette!" Adrien hugs her and she tried to keep her cool as mr agreste is their. " no problem " she says patting his back.

"Father may I please get marinette some ice cream" he says kind of embarrassed. His father glares at him and rolls his eyes " be back by 4:30." They have 45 minutes.

                             Marinette pov

As we leave adriens house we make our way to find Andre. He is always moving around Paris so we have to find him but he posts a picture of where he is so that'll help instead of waste our time. Adrien talks First with his hands in his pocket. Such a  cutie 🤪. "Soo.. what do we need to get tomorrow" Adrien asks. I pull out my phone and get my longgg list "dayum that's a long list this is one serious camping trip" adrien says with his hands up and I nudge him and we both laugh. "It's a whole week! We can't just go and run out of things! I'll tell you the list tomorrow when we actually need it as it's 'so long" marinette says.

Adrien changes the subject "Do you know chat noir-

                       Adrien pov

"Do you know chat noir? Do you think hes brave and tough?" I say. Oh no did I give it away?! I just wanted to know. Gosh.
"Of course I know who chat noir is! Him and lady bug save paris all the time! He's come to my house a couple times actually. Not for a visit for- for.. for super hero things!" Marinette says. She's goofy 🙃. "Oh cool, cool. Do you.. Think he's cute?" WHAT AM I DOINGGG!! I'll stop after this.

"Chat noir? Cute?! No youre way cuter. Uh- I mean- oh god.. I meant, he's- decent" she had a scrunched up face when she said that. Did I do something to her... I'll just brush it off and visit  her as chat later.

                Back to 3rd person

Marinette and adrien see Andre. " race you to him" adrien says and winks at her. " you wanna bet!" She says and he slows down so she can win. "Haha!! I win!" She says and sits on a bench to catch her breath. Adrian goes up to Andre.

" hello sir, may we please have two ice creams."
Adrien says giving him the money. Marinette is still laying down on the bench panting. "Hmm strange.." Andre says looking at them both. Marinette comes over "what's wrong Andre?" She says. " I get the same vibes as I did with lady bug and chat noir.." he says looking at them both. There eyes go wide and there faces heat up "WHAT- uh us?! Lady bug and chat noir?!!?!! Pfffft there to awesome!" Marinette says and nervously laughs. "I'm just as awesome as chat noir thank you very much" plagg pinches him "OWW!" Adrien shouts. "Adrien are you okay??" Marinette says. "Uh yeah.. sorry I got a.. a cramp yup I'm gonna sit down for a second." He says sitting down in the bench.

Andre leans closer to marinette "Are you dating?" Marinette laughs and shakes her head. "Well my ice cream will seel the deal! Next time you come I can predict you will be one!" He says handing her the ice creams. She laughs and sits next to adrien.

Marinette looks at adriens ice cream and takes a huge bite out of it. Adrien looks at her shocked. She gets worried, "Ah oh no I'm sorry-" he looks at her and glares " you savage" he says and takes a big bite out of her ice cream "hey!! Haha" she says and they are teasing each other.

Alya and Nino the spy's

Alya and Nino are on a mission, to get them to together before prom, I mean they are clearly falling for each other so with the help of alya and Nino the 'deal will be sealed' in no time.

They are in a bush with binoculars watching them tease each other. " my little baby chick has finally learnt to take a hint and play along!" Nino says and alya laughs quietly.

They are in secret super spy mode but people keep walking by and staring. They roll behind a tree. " can you hear them?! I can't" alya says and Nino shakes his head. " I have a plan, I'll call M then you hide closer. Like under a bench and if they get suspicious then do a thumbs up and I'll walk over and distract while you escape." Alya says, they high-five and the plan is in action.

Adrien and Marinette

"Hahaha! You've got ice cream in your nose!" Marinette says to adrien and they are both laughing and having a good time with 20 minutes left. Marinettes phone rings "Alyas calling me, hold this DONT eat it and I'll be back soon." She says and walks off.
"Hi alya!"
" well it's just ice cream-"
"YOURE GONNA BE SUCH A CUTE COUPLE!!! I can't wait to be an auntie to such cute kids-"
"WOAH THERE ALYA hold your horses, we aren't even dating! Tomorrow is gonna be so much fun!"
"Yes girl!! For sure. Did you write your list of stuff for you and adrien?"
" yes yes"
" good good, At least we aren't leaving Paris so I can film the lady blog!"
"Yeah that blog is so successful!"
" did you're ice cream match adriens.."

Nino forward rolls from behind the tree into the bush again. Around Marinette, under the tables, army crawl under he benches until finally he makes it to the bench and gives alya the signal.

"Plagg! We aren't dating and you can have cheese later!"
Who's he talking to?? Nino thought but Marinette was coming back so he had to focus so he brushed it off.
"You got a list for muah! Oh how doux et gentil!"
" you can read it if you want monsieur agreste!"
Adrien reads it.
"Wow! Your very very organised."
" we best be heading to my place so you can make it back to yours on time, I can't find my burette thought and I need it for an outfit I'm making I need to find it first" Marinette says looking in her purse. "I'll help" adrien says.

Ninos thumbs are up but alya is watching the video.


It's to late.
"AHH" Marinette screams when she sees Nino from shock. adrien comes rushing over. "Nino?"
"Uh hey dude!, Little m.."
" what are you um.. doing down there?"
" watching the sky"
" so you're sure you weren't spying on us?"
" pffftt no way dude! Haha.."
"Um okay I'm gonna pretend this didn't happen, come on adrien let's go to my place.."
" bye you two!!"

Did they find you?!
Yup and they are heading for Marinettes house but they seem to be fine so we can just go to our houses I guess.
Okay bye Nino

Adrien walks Marinette to her house.
" goodbye Marinette *kisses cheek* thanks for today, see you tomorrow" he says with a smile.
" Marinette?"
" oh sorry ha, thank you adrien for today" Marinette leans in for a hug and he holds her tight. There's a flash.
" ah ow- ALYA!"
" oh my gosh" adrien says looking at Marinette who is blushing.
" see you tomorrow Marinette:)" he walks off and she's in dream land.

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