Chapter 16 ~ Nino..

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"Wake up everyone! Get dressed ready for breakfast in 45 minutes!" Ms bostier shouts and goes back in her tent.

Adrien sits up and stretches and Marinette yawns.
"Good morning bug-a-boo" he says looking down at her.
"It's to early to function" she says closing her eyes. Adrien lyes down and hugs her.

Alya and Nino wake up at the same time and they are facing each other.
"Morning Nino" she says
"Sup al, today is gonna such a good Chloe-free day!" Nino says kissing her forehead.
"I thought Sabrina said that she wasn't gonna do anything"
"Might have been one of Chloe devilish plans idk. But who cares about them when we are gonna have such fun today!" He says getting up and she giggles and gets up too.

"Morning sugar cube" plagg says turning on the light in their box.
"Morning plagg!" Tikki says getting up.
"Guess what" plagg says
"For lunch today they're selling.. CHEESE!"
"But we've got cheese here.."
"Fresh cheese! I'm gonna ask Adrien to get some for us"
"How kind" Tikki says and smiles at him.

"Rise and shine M'dudes!" Nino says opening the tent door and he stops half way.
"Is it safe to open it?" He says as a joke
"We aren't that scandalous!" Marinette says and Nino and Alya laugh and he opens the door .
"Omg what a mess" alya says
"We barley did anything! But marinette is like a worm wiggling around at night so.."
"Excuse you! I woke up in the night and you were upside down doing some sort of stunt!"
She says and they both laugh.
"You two are the perfect match, I bet you both snore to" Alya says
"No he purs" marinette says and winks at him
"Purs?!!?" Nino says
"Just kidding!" Marinette says and they giggle.
"Well adrien, unless you want to watch me and marinette get dressed and you want to do the whole of today in you marinette smelling pijamas I suggest you leave" Alya says pushing adrien out.
"I mean marinette smells good so.."
"Okay okay! Marinette, remember what to wear?"
"Yup" she says and he zips up the door.
"Matching??? Cuteee!" Alya says

They all leave the tent and take a seat on a wooden log gathered round the not yet lit fire ready for tonight

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They all leave the tent and take a seat on a wooden log gathered round the not yet lit fire ready for tonight. Chloe is sitting next to the principal glaring at the 4 of them.
"Can i sit with you guys?" Sabrina says looking shy. Nino looks at alya for permission and she gives a worried face but he says
"Yah sure" anyway.

Marinette gets a text from alya, a lot of then.


Alya calm down, I will for you bff but if you want to to not leave you, you must keep it together. Okay?

Thanks mari :)

Marinette looks up at alya and winks and she smiles.
"I think I pulled a muscle" adrien says stretching.
"You probably did in those positions you were in, downward dog" she says and laughs.
"Students we are making pancakes, take two and add a topping. Fruit is over there as well" the principal says as the students line up.

"Okay students, once done get ready for partner baking. Meet up in the kitchen in the restaurant in 10 minutes. No excuse" the principal says and all the students leave.
"Bye Sabrina" alya says taking ninos hand all they go over to adrien and Marinette.
"Nino you've been a bad boyfriend to me recently. This is meant to be a romantic fun trip and all you're doing is drooling over Sabrina!"  Alya shouts at Nino
"Are you kidding me?! All you're doing is saying 'aww adrien and Marinette!!' Like dude focus on us!" Nino says in his defence
"Guys-" adrien says. No one is in the camp area other than them 4.
"All you had to do was say! You make me so self conscious as Sabrina is very pretty like am I not pretty enough?!"
"Of course you are alya! Jeez your so sensitive and by the way-"
"What? I suck a kissing too??"
"Pffft!! Sabrina is better at kissing then you! Anyone is!"
They all go silent.
"Y-you cheated on me." She says crying and runs into the tent.
"Nino dude" adrien says shaking his head.
"I-I" he says.
"LEAVE!" Marinette shouts and he runs towards the main part.
Marinette and adrien look at each other, worried. Marinette goes into the tent to find alya crying. Everywhere is wet from her tears.
"Alya, he's a-"
"USELESS PIECE OF JUNK! GIVE ME ICECREAM AND TELL THE TEACHERS MY STOMACH HURTS AND IM NOT COMING" she screams. Marinette obeys and gets her ice team from the teachers freezer.
Marinette sits down next to her and alya cries into her shoulder.
"WHAT DID I DO" she says sobbing
"Nothing alya it's all his fault. He lost a baddie" she says.
"Go have fun mari, text me" she says eating her ice cream.
"Hang in there bestie" marinette says then leaves the tent.

"Sounds bad" adrien says and hugs marinette.
"I'm all wet"
"Well luckily we are going in the hot tub later, then two were gonna come up I guess not.."
They start walking towards the kitchen and an idea pops into her head.
"We should hook alya up with someone else! Nathaniel? No. Kim? No. Max? YES MAX!!" Marinette says.
"Woah there doesn't she need like.. time"
"You're right. You wouldn't cheat on me right?"
"Are you kidding? How can I do that to the woman of my dreams. You're to perfect to let go of" he says kissing her. She smiles and they arrive at the kitchen.

After that they do more activities and it gets to 6pm. Everyone's free to do what they want and adrien and Marinette are in the hot tub. Marinettes sitting on adriens lap and he's playing with her hair when Nino jumps in.
Adrien is choking on water and marinette is smacking his back.
"May we help you?!" Marinette says
"I need your help pulling something off" he says Then looks at adrien.
"Is he- is he okay?" He says
"Does *cough* it look l-like I am" he says.
Marinette gets up and smackings his back very hard and water comes out of his mouth like a hose.
"Oh my days" he says gasping for air
"Are you okay?!!" She says sitting him back up
"Thanks purrrincess" he says kissing her cheek and coughs one more time in her face
"It's okay lol" she says kissing his forehead as he sets himself on her chest comfortably.
"I need your help" Nino says
"With what" adrien says
"I didn't actually kiss Sabrina and she doesn't actually like me. It was all a fake to build up the surprise. I didn't mean to hurt her that bad though" he says and their jaws drop.
"DAYUM" adrien says high-fiving Nino. Marinettes about to explode.
"I WASTED MY ICECREAM FOR NOTHINGGG" she says and splashes Nino.
"I have a date planned at the beach which is 30 minutes away for when we all go tomorrow, I set up two hammocks next to the bar with a hot tub." Nino said proudly.
"Oh my that's so cute! I think she'll forgive you in a second!" Marinette says.

They all head back to the tent, acting angry at Nino still. Marinette can see melted cookie dough ice cream coming out of the tent.
"Oh god" she says and jumps through a window in the tent.
"Wow" Nino says
"She's so cool" adrien says. In love.

"ALYA!" Marinette says opening the door. There is a melted icecream tub melted all over marinettes bed and all her stuff. Luckily Tikki and plagg moved the box in time and it's under adriens blankets. Alya asleep with ice cream all down her.
"Omg no girlll" marinette says. Alya wakes up.
"Oh god I'm so sticky." She says getting up.
"Take off your top and trousers and give them to the teachers, wear a blanket to cover your self obviously and I'll get you down fresh clothes then get in the toilets. She says while grabbing all her not cookie Doughed things. Everything was fine expect: her sleeping bag, pillows, blankets, blow up bed and pjs for tonight.
Alya gets undressed and Marinette closes her eyes and grabs all her stuff. She come out of the tent with a sad face.
"What's wrong princess?"
"My whole room is ruined. And my pjs for tonight and now I'll have to wear my short shorts and vest! I'm gonna freezeee" she says sulking and rests her head in adriens chest.

"Well as we are meant to be angry at Nino you can sleep in like the main room and me and marinette will sleep in my room." Adrien says patting her head
"Sounds good to me" he says
She smiles at him and Alya fixes her self up then they all go to bed.

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