Chapter 2 ~ prom planning

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Marinette and adrien arrive at the school and adriens body guard walks you and adrien up to the doors. You and adrien spot ayla and Nino waiting for you guys outside of their class room. " what crazy story happened this time girl" ayla says pulling a twig from Marinettes hair. Adrien says " well long story short my car almost ran over Marinette, gave her a ride to school and we are going to the dance together." Before anyone can say anything ayla grabs Marinettes hand and takes her to the toilets. Nino and adrien are confused but laugh. " omg girl he asked you!! Ahh you're dreams are coming true we can go as a double date!" Marinette giggles and before they leave ayla says " by the way sit next to adrien on the buss and I'll be next to Nino." Marinette looks at ayla with fear " WHAT! Are you crazy it's two hours away I don't think my body can take that long sitting next to adrien for that long I'll be such a klutz and-" ayla looks at Marinette and laughs " it'll be okay girl! Discuss your colour theme! Come on let's go to class."

Marinette and ayla sit behind adrien and Nino in class and while the teacher is talking about Ancient Greece Marinette is drawing her dress in her sketch pad. Tikki gets hungry and she tries to get Marinettes attention but accidentally uses to much force and makes Marinettes whole colouring pencil set fall. " oh no oh no, I'm sorry miss my mistake I'll pick them up." Marinette gets down to pick them up and adrien helps. Ayla take a pic when their hands accidentally land on each other's. They nervously laugh it off and sit back down.

Finally, time for the trip. Marinette goes to the bathroom to make sure she smells nice and gives tikki a cookie. Ayla walks in and tell Marinette she needs to hurry. Marinette gets on the bus and is looking at ayla nervously as she walks on to the bus. Nino and adrien are doing some sort of secret sign language and as Marinette is walking down the bus along side ayla, they get to the back and adrien says " oh hey! Marinette come sit next to me. We can discuss the theme like you wanted. I bet you've drawn something amazing." Marinette does her big smile and sits in between adrien and ayla.

It's half an hour in and ayla and Nino are cuddled up to each other asleep. Adrien is taking pictures of them and when he goes on his camera roll you see it's filled with lady bug. Marinette looks down at tikki with giant eyes and cheeks all pink. There's also a picture of a chat noir but in adriens house which she find odd but it could be him in a costume. Marinette just forgets about that and faces adrien. " so I drew some sketches but I didn't know which one you'd like so I drew a few, here have a look" Marinette passes her notebook to adrien and he looks at them, very impressed and even a bit exited. " wow Marinette, you really do have a talent" Marinette looks down and giggles " ha thanks" she watched adrien as he inspects each drawing very carefully. He points to one where Marinette would wear a pink puffy plane but cute dress with netting at the top and pink pearls and adrien wears a black suit with a pink tie. "I think it'll be nice on you and me." Marinette loved that one so it's a win win.

It's an hour in and Marinette falls asleep king with tikki. Everyone on the bus is asleep except for the driver obviously. Adriens soft hands push Marinettes head onto his shoulder and he takes a picture. Adrien doesn't know why he took it he just felt like she looks cute.  Plague comes out of his bag and tries to open Marinettes. " plague!! Don't open that there's no cheese in there and it's not yours!" Plague looks at adrien confused and then it hits plague. He remembers adrien doesn't know that's lady bug and plague says nervously " oh oops sorry I- uh.. thought that was your bag!" Adrien rolls his eyes and says to plague " do you think it's bad if I have a crush on two people?" Plague is intrigued. " well it depends on who the ladies are, I've eating two Camemberts at once and I didn't regret it but I was in love with both." Adrien raises his eyebrows " well plague I don't think I'll be eating them any time soon, it's Marinette and lady bug, I live lady bug but I'm starting to admire Marinette. Lady bug doesn't love me back but I still have hope." Plague laughs out loud as he knows Marinette is lady bug " hey what's so funny?!" Plague straightens his back " nothing adrien, maybe ask master if you can show your identity?" Adrien leans his head in Marinettes. " he will say no." Plague lays on adriens bag " all the lady bug and chat noirs found out each other's identity eventually." Adrien sat up with hope and leans  back on Marinette and says " I'll ask later".

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