Chapter 10 ~ shopping part 1

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9:30 am

"Rise and shine marinette, you have got 2 hours and 30 minutes to get ready before alya comes to walk to the shopping centre (mall)."
Marinette sits up and stretches and notices a note on the end of her bed.
'Dear marinette,
Thank you for last night, you've really cheered me up. You have a gift. I hope to do this again but maybe not at 12:30 in the morning 😂. I will take your advice and if lady bug isn't gonna have me, I'll move on-
"WHEN DID I SAY THAT!! OH NO! I DONT WANT HIM TO MOVE ON I- I NEED HIM IM STARTING TO- TO LOVE HIM" she says and puts her hands on her head. Tikki comes over and sits on the letter "it's okay marinette, you've got options. Only time will tell"
'I'll move on. You've got a pure soul marinette.
Love chat ❤️'

"Im just gonna get ready and have breakfast. I wish I could talk to alya but she'd get suspicious. But we least I've got you Tikki." Marinette says hugging Tikki.

She goes down to the bakery to get some breakfast and sees GABRIEL AGRESTE!!
"Honey, mr agreste is here to see you about a fashion design! Take him into the living room" marinettes mum says. Marinette is very embarrassed but takes him into the living room. She's very shocked he didn't send nattily which means it's important.
" how may I help you mr agreste?"
" I need you to make this outfit for adrien. I've drawn it on this paper with the measurements for you, please have it done by Sunday before your trip."
"No problem sir, very creative design. But may I ask why you came here in person?"
He looks down
" I fear I will get mentally ill if I don't get out more so I'm doing it step by step"
The real reason was so he could see around Paris to see good ways to trap lady bug and chat noir.
"Good for you mr agreste! I'll escort you out-"
" it's okay marinette I'll find my way out, thank you very much" he says and leaves
She eats breakfast, puts the designs on her desk and gets ready.

12:05 pm

Alya knocks at the door and marinette comes.
" sorry I'm late girl, my sisters hid my phone again"
Marinette laughs " it's okay, let's go!"
They set off to the shopping centre.
"So.. can I see that pic of me and Adrien!"
" I knew you'd want to see it. Here"

Pretend they aren't in the sky lmao

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Pretend they aren't in the sky lmao

"AHHHH EEEEEL YESSS THANKS BESTIE" marinette says jumping onto alya. They look up and see Nino and adrien standing around them.
"Uh hey dudes" Nino says helping them both up. Adrien sees the pic on alya phone
"Is this from yesterday" he says laughing but in a cute way.
"Yeah you guys look superrrr cute don't you agree Nino" she says nudging him.
"Uh yeah totally dude. Super cute"

They just laugh it off and enter the shopping centre.
"Okay here's the plan, Adrien go with marinette, Nino come with me, meet at the couples milkshake bar at 2pm sharp. Got it?"
"Hold on, you said couples bar. Me and Marinette aren't a-"
"Byeee!" She says pulling Nino the the side and in a shop.

"Okay, first place is the camping shop obviously, then the clothes shop, next where ever then couples bar. Sound good?"
"Yup let's gooo!" He says and they set off.

They are walking to the camping shop and their hands are next to each other's but not touching. Adrien thinks this is a good time to make a move and hold her hand. He grabs her hand and Marinette flinches as she didn't expect it.
" oh um- sorry." He says very embarrassed.
" no no no *she holds his hand* it's alright" she says and smiles.

Inside adriens head

Wow. She is amazing. Wait no, bad adrien what about lady bug?! I haven't seen her in 3 days and she never has loved me.. but master said I can show her who I am but "if it goes wrong that's our fault and we have to deal or give him our miraculous" but I believe she is amazing. But for now, marinette is ma girl. Wait what. "My girl" pffft she's to amazing to be mine.. wait oh my. Am I crushing on her?? I'm totally crushing on her! I mean how could I not she's amazing. Well I'll be myself this whole 1 hour and a half and see how it goes. It'll be like a date, yeah.

Back to normal

"Okay adrien grab a trolly because we've got a lot to get."
He gets a trolly and they are walking towards the tents.
"Okay other than our own things we need to get: the tent, the torches and storage boxes."
"Dang alya is taking this very seriously. What else do we need for us?" Adrien says leaning on the trolly walking slowly next to marinette.
" we need: blankets, bottles , clothes, popcorn, hoodies to share, to be a couple- omg alya"
Adrien And marinette burst out laughing and arrive at the tent section.
" alya said we need a tent with one main room and two bed rooms. So fancy"
" so we will be in one big tent but with two bedrooms?"
"Exactly that"
"Okay cool, there's one over here. I'll get it." Adrien grabs it and throws it in the trolly.

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