Chapter 32 ~ shower scene

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Later that night adrien and Marinette come home to find Tikki and plagg alseep on the giant beanbag. Marinette ours a blanket on them.
"I'm gonna go in the shower if you need anything just ask my parents" Marinette says getting her pjs
"Alright" adrien says sorting out his and plagg s things.

Marinette leaves the room and adrien looks around her rooms.

Adriens pov

I'm going to take a close look at Marinettes room. I'll start at her sewing desk. She's a real good fashion designer, way better than my father. I'd much rather model her clothes.
There is a small stain of her blood on the desk from when she must have accidentally poked herself. She's so adorable.

Next her wardrobe. There are so many draws and doors. I'll open this one- OH THATS HER UNDERWEAR. I'll just not look in any of the other draws...  I'll go in her wardrobe/closet. Her sense of style is so cute. The fact that she makes most of her clothes are so incredible. In a luckily person.

Next her- oh no I need to pee. I don't know where the bathroom is. I probably should've asked that, my bad. I guess we can go on an adventure. It's not that big of an apartment it'll be fine.

3rd person:

Adrien tries to wake up Tikki but she's sound asleep curled up in a ball on plagg. He sighs and leaves her room. Marinettes room is on the top floor and he didn't hear her go down many stairs so maybe the floor below? Adrien goes down the stairs and sees a door. He knocks and there is no response, her parents are asleep so that can't be there room so this must be the bathroom he thinks. Adrien has clearly forgotten marinettes in the bathroom and walks in.

His face goes red and his eyes widen. He can see her body outline through the shower curtain. She hasn't noticed him. He's about to shut the door but she sees someone. She peaks through the curtain.
"Uh sorry mari wrong room!" Adrien says quickly. Marinettes face goes bright pink and is frozen behind the curtain. Adrien is frozen as well.
"Uh- do you need anything?" Marinette says
"Huh? Oh- oh! No no no I was just looking around, sorry bye!" He says and shuts the door quickly. Adrien rushes back to the room still red.

Marinettes also red and embarrassed.

Marinettes pov:

AH IM SO EMBARRASSED!!! I know we are dating but we have never seen each other naked! And I didn't expect it to be like that! Did he see me fully naked?! Is he disappointed?! I'm guessing he was looking for the bathroom and forgot I was In here. It's fine it's just super embarrassing. I KEEP REPLAYING IT IN MY HEAD AND IT GETS WORSE AND WORSE!! Well.. he was gonna see one way or another.. I'm kidding we are minors! Well kind of kidding..

3rd person:

Marinette walks in her room to Find adrien sleeping on her bed with a teddy bear in his arms. Marinette wakes him up.
"Kitty. Kitttty. Adrianna"
"Who's adrianna?"
"Okay mario" adrien says and they both laugh.

"Uh.. I'm sorry for walking in on you I forgot showers are in bathrooms. Ha.." Adrien says and marinette giggles.
"It's okay don't worry about it. You were gonna see anyway." Marinette says and adrien blushes
"Kidding!! Well.." they both laugh.

1 am

Adrien and marinette are ready for bed and then fall asleep.
"Do you think you're gonna make up with your dad?"
"Uh.. to be honest,  no. I mean I get he feels guilty for my mum as it's his fault but he didn't need to do all of that. Y-you're my world and the only person I trust" adrien says and gets teary.
"I'll always be here for you, my prince"

Marinette says and hugs adrien. They both fall asleep in that position.

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