Chapter 11 ~ shopping p2

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"Where to next madam dupain-Cheng?" Adrien says bowing down to marinette
"Haha well sir agreste, accordingly alyas list we must go to get some torches and storage boxes"
"Okay madam lets ride" he says and the both hold onto the trolley and slide all the way to the torches area.

"I'll grab 5 just incase one breaks"
"Aka Ninos torch" adrien says and they both laugh.

Alya and ninos perspective

"Nino come over here but be quiet" alya says crouching down with her phone recording marinette and adrien.
"Why are we doing this when we are meant to be getting our stuff? I want my blanket to share with you!" Nino complains
"Well Nino we must do it incase adrien says that dumb line 'she's just a friend' or something, we've got the important bits then we can go to the other shop and get what we want. Let's go over their and haves one to one talk. Try and find out if adrien likes her." Alya says, they high five and go over to them.

Back to normal perspective

While adrien and Marinette are throwing the torches into the boxes like a game of basket ball they walk over.
"Scoreeee" marinette says jumping around and adriens laughing.
"Hey you two. Marinette can I talk to you?" Alya says pulling marinette away.

Alya and marinettes perspective

"Sooo how's your date going!" Alya says squeezing marinettes hand
"I think I'm dreaming alya! He's so cute and goofy it's heaven!! The camping trip is gonna be so much fun"
"Yess make sure to get them hoodies and a blanket, Nino wants to share one so-"
"AWWW SO CUTE" marinette says
"Haha anyway you and adrien get one, okay girl?"
"Yes ma'am" marinette says

Nino and adrien perspective

"So dude, you like marinette?" Nino says putting his arm around adrien.
"Yeah she's a good frie-"
"Stop right there dude, look at these pics. Do these looks like your just 'friends' to you??"
Nino thinks, wow alya would be so proud of me tehe

 Do these looks like your just 'friends' to you??" Nino thinks, wow alya would be so proud of me tehe

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"NINO?!!? HOW DID YOU EVEN-""My girl is alya dude what did you expect""First of all, the first one was for filing purposes only and the second one is edited dude I'm not blind" adrien says rolling his eyes

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"My girl is alya dude what did you expect"
"First of all, the first one was for filing purposes only and the second one is edited dude I'm not blind" adrien says rolling his eyes.
"Well maybe you two can recreate it sometime" Nino says winking at him. Adrien grabs the trolley "Okay cool dude I'm going to find Marinette so we can pay and leave I'll see you at the milkshake bar" adrien says walking away.

Back to normal

Adrien walks down Marinette and Alyas isle.
"Alya why is Nino tormenting me with these edited pictures?" Adrien says and Nino comes down the other side of the isle laughing.
"Don't tell me you used the word 'friend' again! Adrien come with me" alya says holding his wrist pulling me down to the other isle.

Alya and adrien

"Okay adrien, I'm gonna just be straight up honest and don't say anything until I'm done. Okay? *adrien nods* okay good. You and Marinette clearly have chemistry! Okay and one day you'll say the word 'friend' and it'll get to her and hurt her feelings. She's into you adrien! And you are into her, you guys don't have to date right now but open your eyes dude. Trust me and take my advice. I'll see you at the bar" alya says and walks away.

Adrien is standing there alone with this trolley thinking about what she said.

Back to normal

Alya goes down the isle and holds ninos hand.
"See you at the milkshake bar bestie" alya says and they walk off.

Marinette is left confused as to where adrien is and why she seems so angry. She goes off to find him.

Adrien feels like a fool and is worried he's hurt her feelings. However they did seem to have a great time. He thinks to himself, I must tell lady bug next time I see her. I have to get my life together.

"Adrien are you down here??" Marinette says walking down each isle. He can hear her and comes out the isle to find her. He looks sad.
"Hey Marinette" he says
"Oh no what did she do??"
"She told me facts"
"Tell me everything after we pay, we can sit down before we go clothes shopping." She says and Hugs him

They pay then sit on a Bench

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They pay then sit on a Bench.
"What did she say to you? She can be a bit harsh sometimes and-"
"No. She was right. She said something like 'get your facts right adrien you to clearly like each other and the more you say friends the more your gonna hurt Mari and you'll loose her" adrien says looking down.
"Oh no oh no oh no. Adrien, you'll never loose me and if fate shows we are meant to be friends then that's that. Adrien you're never gonna loose me and-"
Adrien grabs Marinettes face and pulls it towards him.

Marinette traps her warm hands around his golden hair and leans closer

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Marinette traps her warm hands around his golden hair and leans closer. Chloe walks past at the wrong time.

"ARE MY EYES FAILING ME?? ADRIKINS AND DUPAIN-CHENG?!?!" Chloe screams giving her butler her bags and storms up to them.

They both pull away and look at Chloe and before she does anything adrien stands up.
"Chloe, you're not my soulmate and not the love of my life. We have been friends for a long time, yes but I don't love you. I love Marinette and you need to move on." He says and holds Marinettes hand. Chloe stops walking and is shocked. A tear rolls down her face and whispers "goodbye adrien" and walks off.

He sits back down and Marinette hugs him. Alya and Nino walk past and sees them hugging. They walk over to them both.
"Adrien im so sorry" alya and Nino say.
"No, you guys helped me realise that I love Marinette." Alyas eyes widen and ninos jaw drops. "OUR PLAN WORKED" they both say dancing in circles.
"Marinette, will you be my girlfriend?" He says looking into her dark blue eyes.
"Of course I will adrien" she says and leans in for another kiss.

After that they go and buy their clothes, have their milkshakes at the couples milkshake bar.

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