Chapter 33 ~ fast forward a few years - wedding

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Hey guys I felt like my story was flopping so I've decided to past forward a few years so they're adults now. I hope you enjoy and as you can tell the story will end soon :( but I'm gonna make more miraculous books so don't worry! If you have any suggestions or ideas you think would be good just comment and tell me! Enjoy ;)

"Are you ready Marinette?"
"IVE GOT IT GIRL!! You need to relax! You and adrien are such worriers."

"Adrien are you almost ready dude??"
"Woah there dude ! Relax!! You're still a model anyway and everyone knew you'd age like fine wine! So just relax-"
"where . is . LOUIS."

It's the big day, the wedding day of Marinette and adrien agreste. They haven't seen Gabriel in years, not since they were 14, they're 23 now. Louis is their son and they plan to have another kid after getting married. They also have a hamster named fú in respect for master fú. They also have a daughter who's a year older than Louis called Emma but she's with marinettes parents.

*On the radios*
"Alya we have a situation.."
"What happened Nino"
"Uh.. we can't find Louis ."
"WHAT!! HES A CHILD HE COULD BE ANYWHERE!!! I CANT BELIEVE Y- I found him. A man is holding him. One second"

Alya walks over to the man who's got a hat on so she cant see his face.

"Hello sir, thanks for finding Louis ."
"No problem, here"
"Have I met you before? I recognise your voice."
"Well that depends, have you ever been.. akumatised?"
"GABRIEL AGRESTE" alya shouts and adrien bursts through the doors.

Gabriel ours Louis down and he waddles over to adrien, he's 3.
"It's my sons wedding I'm not going to miss it. And it's all over the news"
"Son please, I beg I've already let you down. I have nothing left."
"Fine. Sit at the back and don't touch Louis ." Adrien says and storms back into the dressing room with Louis.

Marinette comes out.
"What happened?? G-GABRIEL!!" Marinette shouts angrily. Adrien heard and it makes him smile while dressing Louis.

"I'm not here to cause any harm. I'm just here to watch my son and daughter in laws wedding!"
"Mhm" marinette says and walks off and Alya follows marinette and takes a picture because she looks like a complete baddie.

All the guests have taken their seats.

Adriens pov

I'm waiting at under the flower arch for marinette. I haven't seen her but I bet she looks beautiful. There are so many people! All the people from school, my family, marinettes family and my dad. Or should I say Gabriel. Gross.

I see everyone stand up and then my sweetheart Emma walks down the isle throwing flowers everywhere. She's 5. She has dark blue hair and piercing green eyes. She's so beautiful just like her mother. She gets to the end of isle and sits next to mr and Mrs dupain-Cheng. I see them as my parents, taken care of me since I was 14 and left home. I'll forever love them for that even if me and marinette break up. Which we won't ever ever ever. No one can replace my lady.

Marinettes pov:

I'm waiting around the corner with my brides maid, my dad and my baby Emma. She is exactly how I imagined mine and adriens kids to look. Her and Hugo have blu hair but Emma has green eyes and Louis has blue like mine. I love them both. Our little family.

Emma goes down the isle throwing little rose petals. I picked rose petals as adrien always use to give me roses when we were younger. Such a sweetheart. I don't know what I'd do without him.

Once I get to sign that Emma has finished my bridesmaids and adriens men go down the isle. Alya is my maid of honour and Nino is adriens best man so they go first.

Alya and Nino
Chloe and Luka
Max and Sabrina
Kim and alix
Milan and Ivan
Nathaniel and Marc
Rose and juleka
And finally, plagg and tikki.

3rd person

Now everyone's seated and ready. Marinette takes a deep breath and begins to walk down the isle with her dad. Adrien is staring at her and smiling, even a tear forms in his eyes.

Marinette got a big smile on her face, she's been dreaming of this for years and years. It's perfect. She thinks to herself. They get to the end of the isle and her dad sits down and marinette faces adrien. She lifts up her vale and adrien blushes.

"You look like a princess" adrien whispers while I priest his talking and marinette has a huge smile on her face.

Louis is the ring boy and he gives them the rings.
"Thank you sweetie" marinette says crouching down to get the rings. Louis smiles and walks back to his seat next to auntie  Alya and Tom aka marinettes dad.

"I believe you two have made up your own vowels so adrien you may go first" the priest says and he looks at Marinettes and begins.

"Marinette, ever since I've known you you've always been special to me. You've always been there for me everyone else and that's something not everyone can do. You stand out from everyone else and that's why you are lady bug. You are the best thing that's ever happened to me and I can wait to expand our family. I like you my lady." *adrien puts ring on Marinettes finger* Adrien says and marinette is crying. So is most of the crowd and even Gabriel teared up a bit.

Adrien wipes a tear off marinettes cheek and smiles.

"A-Adrien that was so sweet. Anyway, darken agreste, you have always had a place in my heart, ever since you gave me that umbrella. As chat noir you saved me so many times and without you, I'd probably be dead and Paris would be destroyed. Me and you have been through a lot together and you're the person who keeps me smiling. One day Louis will be telling your cat jokes to his lady. *everyone laughs* I will always love you adrien and I am delighted to take your last name."  *marinette puts ring on adriens finger*
Adrien has a tear rolling down his face and marinette smiles at him.

"You may miss the bride"

Adrien hugs marinette and kisses her, marinette kisses him back obviously.

"You are now husband and wife!" The priest says and everyone claps and cheers. Alya hugs marinette and so does Emma. Louis and Nino hug adrien.

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