Chapter 6 ~ secrets

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Part 1

An hour later lady bug wakes up. She is in master fu's room with chat noir. Heartbreaker is gone somehow but that is the Kesey of her concerns. " master shed waking up" chat says with concern on his face. " lady bug, how do you feel? What do you remember?" Lady bug sits up and takes a sip of her water. She thinks hard. She remembers that chat noir loves Marinette, lady bug and a little bit of kagami which hurts her a lot somehow she remembers nothing else. " I-I wait where's the akuma I need to get it-" she says standing up but she falls and chat catches her. " don't worry m'lady, it's all been taken care of but what do you remember?" Chat says placing her back on the bed. " I remember looking at chat and seeing me, Marinette and kagami." She says looking down when saying her name. Chat can tell she doesn't like that. "Anything else?" Master fu says. " no just that. I'm going to go home now. Thanks guys." She Says and yo-yos out of the room.

Chat noir de-transforms into adrien and sits down with his hand in his face. Plagg looks at him and says " you really messed things up, I don't think she'll want to go on that date anymore." Plagg says chewing on Camembert. Adrien looks back up with joy " the date!! Oh yes! Also master I need to ask you something before I leave." Adrien says looking at master fu. He nods and adrien continues " will me and lady bug ever be able to share our identities?" He says trying not to sound to desperate. " well adrien, eventually all the lady bug and chat noirs did but for the better and worse. If you are going to, make sure you know it's right. Good day adrien." Master says. Adrien hops off his chair and leaves in joy.

" Marinette are you doing to try and find out who chat noir is?" Tikki says while eating a cookie in Marinettes purse. Marinette looks down with a determined face " of course and I will be attending that date so I can get more clues." She says running home. She turns a Conner and bumps into Adrien who is wearing head phones.
" oh hey Marinette I have been trying to call you." Adrien says with a smile on his face
" sorry i was busy you know, hiding from heartbreaker" they both laugh. " well what I was trying to say earlier was-" before he can finish marinette kissses him on the cheek and he blushes with wide eyes. Marinette giggles and says " see you at school tomorrow " and continues walking. Adrien puts in his headphones and continues to walk with a smile he can't wipe off his face.

Part 2 ~ the date

It's 6:30 pm and Chat noir has set up a date on a roof for him and lady bug, if she decides to show. You can see the sunset perfectly from here.

7:05 pm. She hasn't showed yet. He lets out a sigh and looks towards the sunset . He hears foot steps behind him and it's lady bug. "Pretty sunset isn't it" she says standing next to him. He looks at her and hugs her " I was so worried today m'lady. And I want you to know me and kagami aren't a thing anymore and me and marinette are-" she puts her finger in his lips " you don't need to explain yourself chat. Who did you see when you looked at me?"
He thought about it and he saw adrien but  technically he is adrien so a little white lie won't hurt. " I saw me and Adrien Agreste" he says looking at the sunset, pretending to be hurt. Lady bug has wide eyes "uh- um Adrien pfft what um.." chat laughs and says " I thought you didn't like me like that, m'lady" he looks at her and winks. She gets butterflies which is strange. " I didn't know I did.." she says looking at him. They are staring at each other.

She states into his green, dreamy eyes and watches his silky blonde hair slowly moves in the breeze.
Chat noir looks down at lady bug who is staring at his eyes. He places his hand on her rosey red cheeks and she gasps quietly. He gets out his stick and hits the radio and it's playing the song him and Marinette danced to at chloes party which makes him feel odd but he's always loved lady bug and this is his chance. He moves closer to her and slowly pushes her head into his chest. He moves his hands down to her waist. Lady bug doesn't really know what she's doing, she's in the moment. When chat pushes her head into his chest she's a bit shocked but just raps her hands round this neck and they dance.


They are on the roof watching the sunset with music in the background.
" m'lady i dont understand why you don't have want to share your identity with me. I can keep a secret, ya know we might even know each other!" Chat says looking in her doll like eyes while she looks into the distance. " that's the problem, if we do know each other then what if things change it'll be to suspicious." Lady bug says with a straight face.

Chat comes up with an Idea. " I have an idea, we give each other clues about our life and nothing else then we can do some investigating " he says desperately. Lady bug looks at him and sits down on the fencing " okay then kitty chat you go first." He nods, " I go to high school, my dads famous, I play the piano." He says. Lady bug is silent and thinks ' it's Paris a lot of people's dads are famous and god knows who plays the piano and many people go to high school' so she is confused but does her part of the deal " I also go to high school, I like art, you've visited me before" chats eyes go big and blushes "Chloe?" She pulls a grossed out face " we've been with Chloe before and as if!!" They both laugh.

" do you want to go to Andreas ice cream?" Chat says playing with his belt " race you" she says and they are giggling while swinging through the air.

Alya sees and starts filming " hey welcome back to the ladyblog guys, right now you're seeing live lady bug and chat noir on a date getting Andres ice cream! Could they be more then partners?? I'll find out the scoop! Later bug heads!" She says and posts it.

They arrive at Andreas " ah! Lady bug and the kitty! Would you like some of Andres ice cream!" Andre says with a cheerful face. Chat says " yes please Andre" with a smile and lady bug smiles too.
" for the kitty; blueberry for her hair, strawberry like her lips and a cherry on top! Now for the lady bug; mint like his eyes, vanilla like his hair, strawberry like his cheeks when he sees you! Enjoy you two!" They thank him and walk off.

" I've had his ice cream before, as my normal self and he did the exact same but I thought he was talking about someone else but this description matches you" lady bug says looking at her ice cream. Chat scrunches just nose " I'm probably way cooler than that guy" chat says with a grin on his face. She looks at him and is about to say something but decides not to. They eat their ice cream.


" sorry kitty I gotta split I'm planning something with my friend, thanks for this kitty *kisses him on the cheek* bug out!" She says in one breath and before he can say anything she's gone.

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