Chapter 3 ~ Kwamis

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Half an hour left.

Adrien falls asleep with his head leaning on Marinettes. Plague escapes adriens bat and jumps on Marinettes. " Marinette!! Your squishing me!!" Tikki whispers and opens the bag slightly so she can take a peak out.
" hello sugar cube." Plague says and winks
Tikki rolls her eyes " your cocky behaviour is rubbing off on not only cat noir but adrien!! Did you hear them terrible pick up lines. Cringe" Tikki says floating in the air along side plague. Plague laughs a bit to loud and Marinette snuggles more into adriens shoulders and Tikki and plague are both in Marinettes bag " plague!! Get out of here you smell of Camembert! Gross" Tikki says covering her face. " Camembert smells amazing what are you talking about!! It's my natural manly scent" plague says going close to Tikki to tease her.

The bus stops.

Tikki and plague look at each other with wide eyes.
Marinette slowly wakes up and looks up. She jumps up in shock. " oh no! I'm so sorry adrien that must have irritated your shoulder the whole ride!" Marinette says with face palming. Adrien looks at her and giggles " actually you make a rather good pillow." Marinette blushes and ayla interrupts. " okay you two love birds let's go dance!" The 4 make there way into the dance hall and claim a locker to put their bags in. Tikki and plague are silent but both panicking. What if hawk mouth akumatises someone! They'll find out each other's identity.
Adrien puts his bag away and so does Marinette but she's sneaks a cookie in her bag and sees plague. She has wide eyes looking at the two kwamis. " is everything okay Marinette?" Adrien says looking over Marinettes shoulder. She quickly grabs her bag and says nervously " Yes I'll.. I'll be right back I think I dropped my- my.. my phone! Haha silly me I'll go grab it hehe. I'll be back in a minute!" Marinette says running off. Adrien goes in a cubical and opens his bag to give plague some Camembert and he's not there. Adriens first thought is he's in Marinettes bag. Adrien follows Marinette and sees her looking into her bag. He can't hear her though.

" plague! What are you doing here?!"
" I um.. chat noir sent me to um.. tell you that- that he has a date, yes a date planned for you and- um it's tonight. Be there at.. at 7 pm sharp. I'll be off now tehe.. bye Marinette!" Plague says off in seconds. She sprays some perfume in her bag for Tikki and turns around. Adrien ran back inside to find plague in his bag "asleep". He looks at plague confused. " plague did you go in Marinettes bag??" Adrien says annoyed. Plague looks at him with big eyes and says " whattt who even is Marinettes?? Haha I was.. um-" adrien raises one eyebrows " plague I know when you're lying spill.the.tea." Plague comes up with an excuse. " I got you a date with lady bug, plan it before 7 and pick her up by 7" adrien has wide eyes " PLAGUE!!" Plague nervous laughs " uh go and do your dance thing, I think I see that boy who has a crush on Marinette talking to her go help your lady". Plague says and hides in his bag.

Adrien groaned and shut his locker then made his way over to Marinette and Nathaniel.
" I'm sorry Nathaniel I have a date already."
" please Marinette I beg it'll make me very-"
" hey Marinette ready to go dance?"
"Yes of course adrien, let's go."
" but Marinette please!"
"Sorry buddy I'm Marinettes date better luck next time."
That reminded Marinette of chat noir a lot but she ignores it and Marinette and adrien make way on to the dance for next to ayla and Nino.

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