Chapter 18 ~ Beach!

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Marinette picks out a black and white 1 piece swimming costume with quite a bit of skin showing and alya wore a yellow 2 piece. Adrien wore blue trunks and Nino wore red trunks.
"Everyone ready?" Adrien said putting on sliders.
"Yes" they all said and headed down the caravan steps when they heard a rip and alya ran back inside.
"Did her.. did her bathing suit just snag?" Nino said.
"MARINETTE COME QUICK" alya screamed
"Oh god" marinette said and opened the door.
"Tell her to be quick and do what she gotta do"
"Okay-" alya grabs the back of marinettes swimming costume and makes her towel fall and when the door slams adrien blushes.

"GIRL MY BATHING SUIT BOTTOMS RIPPED IN HALF!!" Alya says with a towel around her.
"Omg" marinette laughs and screams
"ITS NOT FUNNY!!!" And the boys eyes widen
"I think your girls gonna Kill mine" adrien said with wide eyes. And they both slowly look at each other.
"Do you want me to sew it or borrow one of mine or.." marinette says.
"Can you sew it for me and I'll get changed but I'm so embarrassed!!" Alya says running into the bathroom to get changed.
"Don't worry about it Allie they might laugh but who cares!"
"I CARE!" Alya says. She opens the bathroom door and it slams on marinettes nosesnd her nose starts to bleed.

Alya opens the door.
"Adrien you get nose bleeds a lot right.."
"Yeah why.."
"Well I accidentally slammed the door on her nose and it won't stop bleeding and there's blood all over the floor and she's dizzy and might faint and-"
"I told you your girl was gonna kill mine" adrien says
"Right right!" Adrien says and goes in the bathroom to see marinette in the bath.
"Alya put me in here" she says with her head back.
(Btw the baths not got water in and she's got clothes on lmao)
"Oh my Jesus" adrien says Coming over to her

Ms bustier rushes in with a first aid kit to find marinette and adrien in the bath.
"Ah oh-" she says closing her eyes
"We aren't naked ms bustier, adriens cleaning the blood off of me" marinette says taking the cold towel off of her face.
"What happened!"
"Alya accidentally hit my nose with a door and my nose won't stop bleeding and the place looks like a crime scene.

Lila enters the room

"Oh Lila! This isn't a good time.."
"I just came to say hi as I'm only here for one day but I'm actually really good with nose bleeds. Here Inhale this" she says passing something to marinette.
"Wait marinette-" adrien says but she already inhaled it.
"Pepper. PEPPER OH NO" marinette says
"MISS ROSSI OUT!" Ms bustier says panicking.
"IM GONNA SNEEZE" marinette says sitting up. Adrien jumps out of the bath tub when she sneezes.
"OWWWW" she screams when ms bustier gives her some pain killer, a new towel and a box of tissues. The cleaners clean the bathroom and they're off on their way to the beach.
"Adrien can i sit with you, I get car sick and need someone to talk to-"  Lila says
"You just put my girl through pain. Please so Lila I can't help you" adrien says.
"Your.. Girl?" She says and glares at Marinette.
"Back off Lila" alya says.
"Yeah dude leave them alone" nino says
Marinette smiles at her
"Bye bye Lila." She says
"Did you know adrien has a crush on lady bug and likes her more than you!" Lila says laughing.
"And I like chat noir we all have celeb crushes! Now go away Renarouse wannabe" Marinette says and she storms to the front of the bus.

"You didn't tell me you liked chat noir!" Alya says. Marinette looks at adrien and winks.
"Well he's one of a kind but adrien is better like I've said before. Plus chat is kind of cocky, anyways him and ladybug are endgame" she says and alya nods.

"Cocky! Pleaseee" he says shaking his head
" I read it online that you're a cocky flirty cat. Only saying what the fans say to keep my cover she says and shrugs. His jaw drops
"What kind of website are you reading this off of! Wikipedia?!" He says and she laughs. Marinette falls asleep on adrien as always

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