Chapter 7 ~ golden 4

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Alya is at Marinettes for a sleepover and they are discussing prom until they both get an email from the school, it's a video from the principal. They both look at each other then press play.

" hello students of class room 749, I'd like to inform you that you'll be having a camping trip next week Monday till Friday as a treat before prom, kindly suggested by your form Tutor. Please reply to this email saying you'll go or tell your dorm tutor tomorrow at school. All sign ups will be closed by Sunday, enjoy students and see you at school tomorrow ( Friday )."

Marinette scrolls down for further info " you may pick camping partners to share a tent, up to 2 people in a tent, 3 at most. Must be your same gender. You may invite others in your tent though. Lights out or should I say torches off at 11pm. Breakfast at 8:30 lunch at 12:15 and dinner at 5:30. Me, your form tutor and ms bustyá. Enjoy and hope to see you there."

Marinette looked at Alya and she was on FaceTime with Nino " you and adrien should come we can get one of them tents with a main room and two bedrooms as it isn't breaking the rules!! Tell us if Adrien can go bye!" Marinettes eyes were wide " alya!! I can't even talk to adrien let alone share a tent, well not really but you know what I mean! How am I going to-"
Alya laughs and pats her shoulder " don't worry girl I got you covered! It's gonna be epic now sign that form!"

The next day ( Friday )

Marinette and alya are walking to school and then adriens body guards car pulls up next to them and Nino and adrien are in, Adrien in the front. " get in girls we have got a camping trip to discuss!" Nino calls out as the girls hop in. Alya and Nino are talking and Marinette is just nodding her head and adrien is day dreaming. He's day dreaming about lady bug. Of course.
"Adrien do you agree?"
Adrien: ...
Adrien: ...
" ADRIEN!!!!!!!!"
" uh sorry Nino what do you want?"
" don't worry dude, we were thinking of going shopping tomorrow you wanna come?"
" yes if my father says I can" he says looking out of his window with a sad face.
"I-I can ask hun like I did when we went to New York" Marinette says while putting her hair behind her ear an looking at adrien.
" thank you Marinette, you are a really good friend" he says with a smile and alya flicks Nino
They arrive at school and while they walk up the stairs Nino says " you sure she's just a friend" he says putting his arm round both of their necks. Marinette chokes on her drink badly " uh Marinette are you okay?!" Adrien says hitting her back but not wanting to hurt her. "H-har-harder" she says while coughing, leaving over a bush incase. Alya angrily looks at Nino and he nervously puts his hand behind his head. Adrien hits her back harder and she's finally okay. " thank you adrien, you're a really good FRIEND" she says looking at Nino. " haha.. wrong call sorry little M" Nino says. " are you sure you're okay Marinette, do you want my jacket as yours is all wet, you can keep it if you want" Adrien says taking it off " thanks adrien :)" the boys walk ahead.
" ALYA I HAVE HIS JACKETTT!!!!" Marinette says putting it on. " sorry about telling Nino to say that girl I didn't know you were gonna.. Choke. But at least adrien patted your back and you smell of him" she says putting her arm round her waist and walking into school.

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