Chapter 9 ~ marichat

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                      !Short chapter! Cute scene

12:30 am

Chat noir arrives at Marinettes so he could get answers without being suspicious. He thought to himself I know I love lady bug but I want happiness. He quietly knocked on her roof window above her bed. He could see her asleep and that she had a small teddy lady bug. She must be a fan of lady bug, cute.

She was clearly a deep sleeper so he opened the window slowly. Tikki woke up, saw him and acted like a toy as he probably already had seen her, luckily cat has never seen Tikki so it was all good. Marinette opened her eyes as she could feel fresh air on her smooth cheeks. Chat was staring at her but when she awoke he jumped.
Chat put his finger on her mouth.
" meet me on your balcony in a minute, I hear your dad coming." He said and went  back up on her roof to hide.
" marinette are you alright?!" Her dad said poking his head through the door.
" sorry dad I had a nightmare I'll go back to sleep now ready for shopping tomorrow. Good night love you" he blew her a kiss and walked away. Chat wished his dad was like that, when he cried at night his mother came but now she's dead and she's been dead for a year ago so he doesn't cry and scream anymore. Only silently.

Marinette slowly came onto the balcony and quietly shut the door.
"Chat noir? At myyy house! What are you doing here? Another pier villain in love with me?" She said and winked. He laughed and found that quite cute.
"No I- I.. I've been feeling lonely and just wanted to talk to someone. I know this isn't a good time and I don't really know you but you seem like a nice girl." He said looking in her dark blue eyes.
"I'm sorry to hear that chat. When I'm feeling lonely I lay down and day dream about me and my friends." She said looking into the distance.
Chat thought this was the perfect moment.
" so, Who are you're friends?if you don't mind I just want to talk"
"No it's fine. My best friends are Nino Alya and adrien. I also am in a band called kitty section, I'm the designer. They are my two main groups."
"I've heard of Alya and adrien, Alya does the lady blog right? * marinette nodds* she should make a chat noir blog haha. Adrien is a model right?"
" yeah he's amazing. Uh- I mean.. amazingly good at modelling! He models his dads clothes. His dad inspires me and my designs."
He blushes.
"Wow nice"
"Now let's talk about you"
"Well I can't really-"
"Soo.. you and lady bug. Are you a thing? I saw you give her a rose. Very sweet of you. You must really like her."
"I'd do anything for her though, she liked someone else and I fear I need to move on in my real life. But I have hope but I'm loosing it. Hawk moth isn't akumatising anyone and I haven't seen her for 2 days. I have a feeling she's been with that boy. What does he have that I don't?? I'm a super hero! I'm loyal!!"
He looks down into his hands. A tear rolls down his face. Marinette feels super bad but can't show that. Marinette stands next to him. He turns his head away but she pulls him back so they're looking at each other.
" wait here" she says and grabs something.
Chat waits and sorts himself out.
" here, I made this for no one so you can have it to make you feel better, it's a token."

 " pink roses means gratitude, grace, gentleness and joy

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" pink roses means gratitude, grace, gentleness and joy. Keep it" she says. Chat takes it and holds it tight. He kisses her nose  and whispers in her ear "thanks, marinette " and disappears into the abyys.

Marinette goes back to bed thinking if chat and how, as lady bug she can make him feel better.

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