Chapter 4 ~ dance practise

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I just want to say sorry for making you wait so long but now it's Christmas break I'll be posting more! Enjoy :)

Marinette and Adrien make their way over to Alya and Nino, ready for dance practise.
" forward, right, back , left" the teacher said as the students did as she said. The teacher comes up to all the students to check on them and Alya calls over the teacher and whispers something in her ear. The teacher comes over to Marinette and Adrien.
" No no no you must hold each other like this" the teacher puts Adriens hands around Marinettes waist and Marinettes hand around Adriens neck. " but ms in the video it said to do it like-" Before adrien could finish the teacher walked away and Alya and Nino were giggling.

" that was unexpected " Adrien said and giggled. Marinette looks at Adrien and adrien looks at Marinette then she placed her head in his chest. Adriens first thoughts was shock but then he just shrugged and rested his head next to Marinettes blue, silky hair.

Nathaniel walked out of the locker room angrily and saw them dancing. " MARINETTE I LOVED YOIU FIRST I DESRVE YOU NOT THAT MODEL BOY" he shouted. The whole room went silent, Marinette in shock and adrien feeling threatened. Adrien just looked at Nathaniel with wide eyes then at Marinette. " Nathaniel I didn't mean any harm I just wanted to dance-" Adrien got cut off as Nathaniel walked over to them. Adrien could feel Marinette shaking so he pulled her closer, so they were hugging. " no, I've always loved Marinette and it's not fair. Marinette how could you love such a jerk!" Marinette looks over at Alya. Alya walks over to them " okay buddy, Marinettes amazing and there's only one of her to go around and you missed your shot so let it go!! Her and adrien are way cuter anyway" the whole class laughs and he runs out the room.

" thanks Alya and Adrien " Alya smiles and goes back to Nino. Marinette looks at adrien and they sit on the bench at the side. " am I really a jerk?" Adrien says looking into Marinettes eyes with genuine concern. Marinette holds adriens hand in hers and says " of course not, I've told him before I don't like him like that and he just lost it today but let's not let him get the best of us." Marinette says and rests her head on his shoulder. Adrien smiles and says " Marinette-"

Nathaniel rushes into the boys toilets and cries in the mirror. In the reflection he sees a black butterfly come his way. He has no reaction. He wants revenge.

" I am hawk mouth, I can grant you your wish of revenge on adrien and Marinette if you give me one thing in return, lady bug and chat noirs miraculouses" Nathaniel looks up and says " gladly" with a smirk as he transforms into heartbreaker.

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