Chapter 23 ~ humans

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Continuing the fight:

"De transform then transforms back once plagg is fed, use your cataclysm to break it" lady bug says.
"What's wrong?" Chat says. He can tell she's anxious
"The trip to London. What if I don't impress your dad."
"If he does ANYTHING to you I'll threat to run away with you. He did that with my mum and he's worried I will"
"That's a bit to far chat"
"I'm willing to go that far for you" he says
He leans in for a kiss but she escapes his grasp.
"Nice try, we need to focus."
"Fine. Can I have it later at Andres ice cream 4pm?"
"We bet we would be dating before prom, he bet two free ice creams so we can get them for free!"
"Why would he bet that?"
"He's a friend of my dads and we are good friends so we're cool"
"Hey, don't get distracted! Claws in"
"You two are so cringe. I could practically not eat my cheese. But not that cringe." Plagg says eating.
"Plagg spill"  ladybug says
"Spill what?" Plagg says innocently
"What's going on between you and tikki. She won't so you will"
"Uh.. fine. We are dating and I go to your house to see her" he says
"AWW" ladybug says
"You go without me!" Adrien says
"Well yeah. If you went I'd have to be chat noir and wouldnt be able to see Tikki"
"I can detransform when we get there?"
"Plagg claws out! Cataclysm!" He shouts and the whole room collapses. Before the two can fly off Nadia comes over to them.
"Hi Nadia shamock here, can we interview you two at 7pm tonight to address everything?"
"Sure" chat says
"Um.. I'll probably be there." Ladybug says
"Thank you guys! Meet us in the studio, don't be late!" She says as they run away from Mr comic.

*they defeat him*

"Bye bye little butterfly, TIME TO DE-EVILISE!" Paris goes back to its normal self.

"See you at 4!" Ladybug says
"Wait! Why'd you agree to Nadia? You never do"
"Because I want to address things. It'll probably hurt your feelings so I don't mean anything. Bye bye kitty, bug out!" She says and flies into her bedroom. He sees her in her bedroom and he can see Tikki shouting at her but she gives Tikki  her favourite cookie so it's okay.
He goes in his room.
"Plagg claws in, oh Plagg isn't she amazing!"
"Who's Plagg?" Gabriel says
"UH- my buddy.. on the- the phone. Bye Plagg!" Adrien says pretending to hang up.
"I talked to Marinettes parents on the phone, they are okay with her going to London, it's onl for a weekend, the same week as prom, she can share a room with you, we got her sizes and-"
"Thank you father, for giving her a chance. Although if you hurt her feelings or pressure her-"
"Don't worry son, I won't. I'm excited to meet my sons first girlfriend actually"
"Really! She's amazing and super pretty" adrien says excitedly. Gabriel ruffles his hair then walks out of the room.

4 pm

Adrien knocks on the bakery door.
"Hello adrien! Marinettes upstairs you can go and see her if you want!" Mrs dupain-cheng says
"I will, thank you Mrs dupain-cheng" adrien says and smiles.

"Hey girlfriend" adrien says popping his head through the door. Adrien sees no one. He goes up and it's looking at her room in detail, not a quick visit from chat noir when they weren't dating. Something grabs him and he flies upside down and it's ladybugs yo-yo.
"Hey boyfrienddd" she says as ladybug.
"What an entrance" he says and they kiss while he's upside down.

She slowly puts him down.
"Tikki spots off"
"Plagg!!" Tikki says hugging him.
"Hello sugar cube" he says hugging her back.
"Adrien, master fú gave me this thing and it's meant to turn Tikki and plagg into something so I hey don't need to hide, not permanently just for today. He said either a dog or human."
"I hope I'll be a human!" Tikki says
"That's so cool we can go to Andres together!" Adrien says.
"Tikki, Plagg drink this" Marinette says giving it to them. They drink it.
" I don't feel any different.." plagg says then they both faint.
"Uh.. are they okay" adrien says
" I don't know there is no instructions!"
There's a big flash of light then it fades
"Oh. My. Gosh." The couple say at the same time. Tikki and plagg wake up.
"D-did it work?" Tikki says
"Woahhh sugar cube" plagg says looking at her.

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