Chapter 1 ~ Saving the day

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"Marinette!! You're going to be late for school again!" Marinette rolls over " tikki don't worry it's only 8:30 OH NO IM GOING TO BE LATE AGAIN!!" Tikki sighs as Marinette rushes round her room doing her silky soft space buns and putting on her school outfit. " quick tikki get in my bag!!" Tikki obeys and gets in Marinettes pink purse that she designed herself. As she rushes down the stairs she grabs her breakfast freshly made by her mum and dad. " I've got to go now bye mum bye dad love you bye!" Marinette rushes out of the door and her parents look at each other and giggle.

Marinette is in such a rush she only has 10 minutes to get to school and it's a 15 minute walk so she's running as fast as she can run. She gets to a tragic light and forgets to press the button and a car is a foot away from her and Marinette falls out of panic but doesn't get hit. Marinette looks up and sees it's adriens car. She whispers " ahh tikki what do I do?!!" Before tikki can say anything Adrien rushes out of the car along with his body guard. " oh my gosh Marinette are you alright?!" Marinette sits up and goes all red " yes, yes! I'm fine that was my fault you see I over slept and I wasn't lo-" Adrien helps her up " do you want a ride?" Marinette looks down at tikki and she is nodding so Marinette agrees and hops in the car. While fighting hawk mouths villains in the past it's become very close to discovering who they really are so tikki and plague recognise each other and they can feel each other's connection. Plagg completely forgets that Adrien and Marinette don't know and while they are talking about the upcoming school dance, plague moves closer to Marinettes bag but tikki stays still as she remembers and is trying to hint it to plagg but plagg doesn't get it. " Adrien did you bag just um.. move?" Adrien brings it back on his lap and nervously laughs " haha unless my books have grown legs I thing that might be the bumpy road um- making my bag move" Marinette just laughs it off.

Adrien moves closer to Marinette and Marinette looks at tikki with wide eyes. " so Um.. Marinette, are you going on the field trip to go to the dance classes so the class can practise for prom in 2 weeks?" Marinette looks down and blushes " I would but I haven't got anyone to dance with, I would ask Alya but she's going with Nino. Aren't they just the cutest cou-"
" do you wanna maybe dance at the practise together? You were pretty good at Chloes party." Marinette looks at tikki trying to hold in her excitement " YES YES YES!!!! I mean yes, I would love to go with you! I'm actually going dress shopping with alya tomorrow 2pm so maybe you and Nino should come so we can get matching colours." Adrien is silent. "Oh did you mean only dance at practice and not the real thing. Ah I'm so stup-" adrien looks at her worried " no no no!!! I do want to dance with you it's just my father might not let me." Marinette is relieved " oh well I can FaceTime you will we do it. Deal? Meet me at lunch so we can discuss" adrien laughs and says " deal."

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