Chapter 24 ~ I- I-

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"Hello Nadia!" Ladybug says and she enters the   Room. Chat noir waits a bit so it doesn't seem suspicious. He waits 5 minutes then enters the room.
"Evening ladies" he says walking in as if he owns the place.
"Hello chat noir! We are going live in 1 minute so get ready!" Nadia says. Lady bug is chugging a drink. She does that when she's nervous.
"Relax bug a boo" chat says taking the bottle.
"Okay okay" she says the Nadia does the count down.
"Going live in
And we're live. Hi, I'm Nadia shamock and we are here interviewing lady bug and chat noir. They will be addressing the situation then answering some fans!"
"Okay so, lady bug, chat noir. Over to you, briefly address the situation." Nadia says
"Ladies first" chat says eating a cookie
"Okay so, we got caught kissing on a roof, it was a kind rejection kiss. Someone caught us, the photo got leaked then we got forced to kiss"
"Chat noir, your side of the story"
"Sadly, I got rejected. Yet again. I still have hope though *winks* anyway, I kissed her and she didn't pull away! Woo. I was on the moon until a bomb crashed down on our moment and someone took a picture and leaked it. Then we got forced to kiss again like m'lady said. However I regret nothing and-"
"Enough kitty!"
"Thank you guys, now let's see what questions your fans want to ask!"
"Hu lady bug! Alya here from the lady blog. My question is, are you dating or is it complicated?"
"Well alya, it is definitely complicated! Because she still won't admit I'm in cat that keeps her up at night but it's fine. One day" he says twirling a tooth pick in his mouth.
"Um.." lady bug says.
"Thanks alya! Next!"
"Hi I'm Jen and my question is, do you guys know who you really are and are you allowed o find out?"
"I'll answer this one. We don't know but we are allowed but not at this age. It's safer if we don't however we do know each other's ages but that's not for the fans to know"
"Why do you only know age??"
"Well, chat noir could have been way older than me and I could be younger than him so, for legal reasons I guess" lady bug says and chat noir winks at her.
"It's all legal dont you guys worry" chat says
*20 minutes later..*
"I'm Gabriel agreste."
"Uh-" chat says and sits up.
"Nice to see you mr agreste. Ask away!"
"How do you know what to do when you become a hero?"
"Well, someone teaches us all we know but that's all we can say"
"Ah I see. Thank you lady bug" he says and leaves.
"Someone ask something juicy" chat says to the camera.
"Chat!" Lady bug says pulling his tail so he'll sit back down.
"You're gonna rip my tail one day"
"It's like a lead, I need it or you'll lost without me with you" and plays with her hair jokingly.
"You're right I'd be no where without my lady" he says sits closer to her.
"We have so many people! Pick 3 more bob!"
"Hi I'm Emily and my question is, do you see yourself having kids one day?"
"Only time will tell" ladybug says and stuffs cake in the cats mouth.

"Hi I'm Amelia and my question is, do you think you know each other in real life?"
They are silent, pretending to think.
"If I'm being honest, I might" ladybug says
"I- I am not sure" chat says
"I hope I do though" he says and winks at her.
"Okay that's all for today, I'm Nadia shamock and this is the news!" She says and the camera stop.
"Thank you guys so much! Have a nice night!" Nadia says waving goodbye.

"Can I come over?"
"I thought you'd come at midnight"
"But I want to hug you now after all of that"
"Keep your paws to yourself chat!" She says
"Someone was listening from down below. Let's go to my house." She says
"Tikki spots off, Plagg claws in"

Plagg flops onto Marinettes bed.
"My my, that was so cringe I can't handle" plagg says closing his eyes.
"Plagg off of the bed you'll make it smell of cheese" Tikki says pulling his leg.
"Fine" he says and sits on the chair instead.

Marinette gets a bunch of fabrics
"Which one?"
"Is this for a dress or skirt or something else?" Tikki says looking at them.
"Skirt and you'll have a white shirt with it"
"This one" Tikki says pointing at one with fliers on.
"I need to get contacts" plagg says
"Are you going blind, old man" adrien says
"Old man! I'm only a few thousand years old! Respect your elderlys! Anyway no I'm not going blind, to make my eyes look normal"
"I've got some green ones, here" Marinette says giving him the case.
"Thanks mari" plagg says and puts them in.

Marinette gets a text while sewing, from Lila.

Marinettes face drops.
"What's wrong Marinette??" Adrien says
"Get out." She says.
"What?? What is it"
"Get out adrien!" Marinette says and starts crying.
"I- okay" he says
"Plagg claws out" he transforms and leaves.

"Marinette, what's wrong!"
"Look!" She says crying and tikki looks at her phone.

"Marinette, what's wrong!" "Look!" She says crying and tikki looks at her phone

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Pretend they are at the camp!

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Pretend they are at the camp!

"OMG! COME HERE MARINETTE" Tikki says and they hug while Marinette sobs. Marinette can see that's from the holiday, and he never told her. Even though he isn't kissing her they are still together and they spent time with each other. 

Alya calls Marinette

"Girl are you okay?! The whole class got the pictures from Lila"
"No. No- not okay!" Marinette screams
"Girl he made a huge mistake. I will call you in the morning her some sleep tomorrow is Saturday we can have a girls day" she says
"Bye girl. Hang in there"
"B-bye" Marinette says bowing her nose.

Adriens pov

"Plagg claws in" adrien says and flops onto his bed.
"What did I do?!" Adrien said
"I don't know. Check your phone" plagg says looking in the mirror
"Omg" adrien says
"Show me! Show me!"
"Adrien, calm down! We can fix this"
"THAT BRAT TOOK AWAY MY ONE SORCE OF HAPPINESS" he says perfume bottle then his dad catches it.
"Adrien? Are you okay?? And who's this"
"I'm plagg sir. Sorry for entering on short notice my buddy adrien needed me"
"Not a problem, nice to meet you. Now son what's wrong?" Gabriel says while adrien cries looking in the bathroom mirror.
"STUPID LILA- *sobs* l-Lila sent a picture o-of me and her at camp. I- I was forced to take the pictures and i- it was different with background context. N-now everyone hates m-me because they think I che-cheated on sweet Marinette" he says and sobs even more. Gabriel hugs this.
"I will have her sued!"
"No- no. Me and plagg will do this" he says and looks at plagg.
"Yes. We will get revenge" he says and they High five.
"Very well. Good night you two"
"Good night father."
"Good night mr agreste"

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