Chapter 30 ~ hugs, kisses, tears and tangoing

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Sorry it's been so long yall I have got school. Anyway, enjoy the chapter and the book will be ending soon ;-; but don't worry I've got a new book idea ready ;) enjoy!!

When they pull away most people have come out from the class rooms and are taking pictures.
"C-chat noir may I ask you something" alya says nervously and is recording. He takes a deep breath and smiles.
"Well.. you don't have to answer but I have two things; are you adrien and do you know who lady bug is?" She says filming and takes a step forward. He is silent for a minute then answers
"Yes and.."
"Yes" ladybug says, finishing her sentence. Alya only asked for her blog, as she already knew. Everyone has in shock.

Lady bug goes on the stage.
"Well, you guys should continue with your prom and finish announcing the queen, princess and prince! Before we go, kitty, would you like to tango?"
"I thought you'd never ask" he says and gets on the stage. The music begins and people are either dancing or filming. Even the paparazzi is there.

Mid dance

"My dad is hawk moth. I- I can't believe it."
"Me either. Now could someone so evil create someone so cute and flirty as you?"
"Well we have one thing in common"
"What's that?"
"We both know how to find hot wife's" he says.
Ladybug is guessing he's referring to his mum and her. She has seen pictures of his mum and she is, really pretty.

Marinettes pov

The song finishes and chat noir throws me back and he has a rose in his mouth. People are clapping for us. I can tell adrien is still stressed so I tell him we should go to my house. Alya won't let me leave because 'we only have 1 prom' so I take him into a class room and de-transform.

3rd person

"Why did you take me in here?"
"Because you need a hug" Marinette says and squeezes him. People are watching and probably have figured out Marinette is ladybug, but she doesn't care because this bug is something they both need.

They walk out of the classroom unbothered by everyone staring, as the principal announces the prom queen, king, princess and prince.
"As we know our prom king is a hero of Paris, adrien agreste!" Everyone's clapping as he walks up on stage and the principal places the crown on his head.
"Next our queen is miss Marinette dupain-Cheng! Our other hero of Paris!!" She walks on the stage and adrien kisses her cheek. Everyone's cheering for her even Luka. Not Lila though, she left.
"Our princess and prince are alya and Nino!" They excitedly walk on the stage and wear the Sash and crown necklaces. They all get flowers and then go back to dances and chatting. Marinette goes up to Luka and hugs him.
"It's okay Luka." She says and stares at him.
"There's another girl waiting for you out there. And she's one of the luckiest girls in the world." Marinette says, smiles and walks away. Luka blushes and smiles.

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