Chapter 5 ~ heartbreaker

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" Marinette i-" adriens leans closer to Marinette and-

Heart breaker busts through the doors. "Nathaniel?!" Alya says while everyone else runs around the room screaming and crying. Marinette and adrien are still on the bench and Alya and Nino are on it too.
" I'm not Nathaniel I'm now heartbreaker!! You broke my heart Marinette and now I'm going to break yours!! A lighting bult comes out of Nathaniel rose, intended for Marinette before.
Adriens pushes her off the bench as they both don't know what to do, they can't transform in these conditions...

Tikki and plagg are in their lockers talking " and that's why Camembert is the love of my life." Plagg says until they both hear screaming from the dance room. They both sneak over to their owner without getting seem but they can't transform at the moment. As Marinette tried to creepy away a lighting bult comes right at her. Alya screams and says " NOO MARINETTE." And jumps in front of her. "ALYA!!" Marinette says leaving over Alya who is on the floor. Nino rushes over and says " ALYA WAKE UP OH NO OH NO!" Adrien looks at marinette worried. She slowly sits up and looks at Nino.
" ugh Nino you're so bad at dancing, I wish I went with adrien instead. He's a real gentleman." The amount of hurt in ninos face with horrible to watch. Marinettes mouth drops open and she crawls away. Adrien looks up speechless to find no Marinette. He gets really worried incase her feelings are heart and he wonders off into the bath rooms sneaking behind heartbreaker.

He accidentally walks into the girls bathroom and hears Marinette talking to someone " I can't believe it tikki this day is crazy." Marinette says talking to her kwami. " I know Marinette, you danced with Adrienne!!" Tikki and her giggle and adrien walks out. Who's tikki? He thought to him self.

I forgot to mention ( this is important) heart breaker powers is when he zaps you and you look at your " partner " or whoever your with you see who they love but if they truly love you, it changes it to a close friend e.g when Alya said adrien.

Tikki looks at Marinette and says " Marinette you must transform we must save everyone!"
Marinette replies with " oh! Right. Tikki, spots on!!" And Marinette transforms into the miraculous ladybug.

Adrien gets plagg from his locker and says " plagg you better have a good explanation after this. Plagg, claws out!!" Adrien says turning into the dreamy chat noir.

Lady bug is already at the crime scene and is distracting heartbreaker while everyone escapes. Chat noir walks in which draws heart breakers attention to him. " ah yes chat noir, I'm sure when you find out who lady bug truly loves you'll be disappointed, even she's to good for you!!" Chat noir is hurt but keeps a strong profile. " me and m'lady are meant to be so jokes on you". Lady bug looks away and blushes. Heartbreaker laughs " no silly cat! It shows who you really love in real life not your super hero one!" Both on them look each other with wide eyes then look away. They lead him outside the studio and hide behind a building to make a plan.

" so m'lady, what's the plan?" Chat noir says looking at her. Lady bug looks worried as she can't stop thinking about who adrien truly loves. "M'lady?" Chat says confused. " oh uh sorry chat um I'm not sure. I'll use my lucky charm." She says and activates her powers. "Lucky charm!!" A card bored cut out of adrien flies down from the sky. Chat noir goes red. " what the-" lady bug says looking around for clues. " um- uh.. who's that?" Chat says nervously. Lady bug is to focused on getting ideas to pay attention to chat.

She looks around and she looks at chats face and that's the only hint then bam an idea pops into her head. " I know what to do!!" Lady bug says excitedly. She explains," you hold this cut out and pretend to be adrien then as he wants revenge on him, he'll try to shoot him then I'll grab the rose and unakumatise him." She said and chat has wide eyes and nervously laughs " haha.. good idea m"lady".

The plan springs into action. Chat noir walks in the middle of the road with the Adrien cut out in front of him "uh hey! Heartbreaker!! It's me you want to take me!!" Heartbreaker immediately starts shootings his lighting bulbs towards him and it hits the card bored. Lady bugs eyes go wide and screams "CHAT NOO!" And jumps infront of him. "M'LADY!" He says with wide eyes as he gets shot too then heartbreaker walks away to cause more trouble.

Chat noir looks at lady bug and sees who she really loves. It's adrien. He is in SHOCK. But also joy. But realises lady bug still hasn't woke up. " lady bug!! Wake up" he shouts in pain. She slowly sits up and looks at him. She has a hurt face. "M'lady?" Lady bug she's a bit of lady bug, a bit of Marinette and kagami. That hurt her the most as she dislikes kagami. "I told you m'lady I'm very loyal" he says with a big grin. She is silent. And whispers " K-Kagami. Adrien?!" then faints again. That chat is shock. First of all why is kagami in there surly there was others. Secondly she said my real name! Does she know who I am?! He thought to him self...

Cliff hanger lol

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