Chapter 36 ~ interviews

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"Sweetie are the kids in the car?"
"Yup" Marinette says putting on her coat
"Wait" adrien says and grabs her arm
"What's wrong?"
"Have I aged bad?? I mean like I was a model and everyone thought I was cute ;) but I haven't been on tv and stuff in ages. Like do I look old??" Adrien says looking in the mirror
"Are you kidding me? You look better then you were 14. You've always been cute kitty. Now let's go!" Marinette says and walks out the door. Adrien blushes and smiles then they go.

"Thanks for looking after the kids alya"
"No problem girl! I'll be waiting for when they FaceTime us!"
"Yup, bye Alya!"
"Bye Mari! And stray"
"Bye Allie!"

*at the studio*

"Damn there's red carpet!" Marinette says getting out of the car.
"We are royalty" adrien says bowing down to marinette. She laughs then Nadia comes outside.
"Hello everyone! Long time no see!!!" Nadia says. She looks a bit older, a few wrinkles and her hair grey.
"Hi Nadia!" Marinette says shaking her hand.
"Wow you look amazing, so grown up since we last saw one n other"
"Thanks?" Adrien says confused and Marinette giggles.

While they walk to the studio Nadia is saying what will happen.
"So the cameras will be on when we get in there and then we will do the catch up stuff, then face time fans, then Tikki and plagg will come then a final surprise. Sound good?" Nadia says
"Yes!" Marinette says excitedly.

They walk in the studio and everyone's clapping and people cheering.
Marinette waves and so does adrien.

"Please, take a seat and we have some questions that some fans sent in." Nadia says and they both sit down.
"Okay the first question is, when did you move in together?"
"Well, after the whole incident that happened adrien stayed at mine and yeah that just happened until we were old enough to live on our own which was when we were 19." Marinette says.
"Next question, when did you both loose your v-"
"Uh- our kids are watching.. ha" adrien says and then adds.
"17." And winks at Marinette and she hits him.
"Um- okay uh next question, do you think you'll ever break up if so can I slide in Marinettes dms?"
"Who sent that?!!??" Adrien says
"It's Anonymous." Nadia says nervously
Adrien looks at the camera, "the answer is no because me and Marinette won't break up."
Adrien sits down and puts his arm around Marinette.
"Jealous kitty" Marinette whispers and kisses his cheek. He scrunches his face but then smiles.
"Next question.. adrien do you still model?"
"Nope I stop modelling when I was 15"
"This ones for the both of you, who's top and bottom? Hold on- who sent me these questions they're a bit inappropriate!!" Nadia says embarrassed. Adrien and Marinette try to hold back a laugh as they're funny questions.

"Let's just do the FaceTiming.."
Nadia rings someone and chloe answers.
"Hello state your name and question."
"Well everyone knows who I am, Chloe duh! And my question is adrien do you still love meee?" She says and does doll eyes
"Hell nah" adrien says without shame
"Uh- next!"
"Hey peeps!" Alya says with the kids
"Hi mommy and daddy!" Louis says waving at the camera.
"Hi Louis!" Adrien says waving back.
"Are these the famous children we've all been waiting to meet? !" Nadia asks
"Yes! That's Louis, Emma is behind alya and Hugo I'm guessing is asleep" Marinette says
"Wow! I bet all of the viewers can see the resemblance of our heros and kids!" Nadia says and Marinette laughs.
"Okay next caller. State your name and question"
"Listen up. My name is Lila Rossi and me and adrien agreste had s*x. Sorry mari!!" Lila says and starts to fake cry.

The whole studio gasps.
"Marinette you know I wouldn't-" adrien says
"of course I know that but did the viewers know Lila use to work for hawk moth? Did they know that she got herself akumatised and was hawk moths little b*tch?" Marinette says and everyone gasps again. Marinette sits down and adrien hugs her and whispers
"That's my Mari"
"Oh my gosh- you heard that live here folks! Lila Rossi use to work for hawk moth and destroy our city!!" Nadia says.
"WHAT NO I-" Lila says but Marinette skips her on the iPad. Everyone in the studio is cheering for her.
"I still got it" Marinette says and winks at the camera.

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