Chapter 31 ~ "Im just a kid"

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It's after prom and adrien stays at marinettes house that night. They have just arrived.

"Uh.. hi mum" marinette says nervously holding adriens hand.
"I CANT BELIEVE MY MARINETTE IS THE HERO OF PARIS! AND YOU POOR THING! ILL MAKE YOU SOME CROISSANTS! GO ON MARINETTES ROOM LOVE BIRDS!" Marinettes mum blurts out. They just awkwardly smile and go up the stairs. Marinettes dad is waiting on her sofa.

"Marinette. That cat broke your heart! Remember?!" Marinettes dad says with a straight face. They are frozen.
"Dad!" Marinette shouts and then her dad starts laughing.
"I'm kidding! I'm so proud of you both. You guys are probably tired so have a nice night. I'll knock before I enter" marinettes dad says and winks. Marinette goes tomato red and adrien giggles.
"Dad!!" Marinette repeats while he walks down the stairs chuckling.

In marinettes room

Adrien plops on her chair and closes his eyes.
"You're parents are very nice"
"Yeah, they're probably gonna be pretty noisy though."
"No sweat."
"Anyway do you like what I'm making tikk-"

There's a loud noise coming from outside the balcony.
"Uh.. what's that?!" Adrien says
"I have no clue.. plagg Tikki stay hidden."
"Kk" tikki and plagg both say and hide down the stairs.

They both open the balcony door to see a helicopter outside the balcony.

"WHAT IN THE-" marinette shouts
"DONT WORRY MARI" adrien shouts and she nods.

The helicopter comes closer and marinettes prom dress flies upwards and adrien sees that and steps in front of her.
"CANT LET THE LOCAL CREEPS SEE MY GIRL" Adrien shouts and winks and marinette giggles.

"UH SORRY GUYS BUT NOT RIGHT NOW. ITS BEEN A LONG DAY. MAYBE ANOTHER TIME." Adrien shouts while Marinette is still struggling to keep her skirt down. Tikki sneaks up behind her and holds down Marinettes skirt as it's going wild, plagg just stays hiden.

"YOUR WELCOME." Marinette shouts and they fly away.

Adrien turns around while Marinettes skirt is up and she's flattening it down. He goes red and closes his eyes.
"Sorry" adrien says and Marinette hugs him.
"We need to get some stuff before we go to bed. Some pjs for you and plagg and we need to find out if we are still going to London tomorrow morning." Marinette whispers in his ear. He has a concerned look on his face.
"Do we really need to go to my house.."
"We can sneak through the window without being noticed. Even if we are in sure no one will follow us in the room for obvious reasons."
"What would I do without my princess." Adrien says and kisses her.

They transform and get to the outside of adriens house.
"Your window is open"
"I'm surprised. I'm never allowed it open unless I'm in there or the cameras are on" Adrien says and shrugs. They go on the roof and they can hear someone crying.
"Do you-"
"Shhh" Marinette says putting her finger on his lips. She looks down and sees Gabriel crying on his bed.
"It's your dad. He's crying on your bed. You should talk to him" ladybug whispers
"Only if you come and give me lots of kisses and cuddles after"

Chat noir sits in the window frame and knocks on the window. Gabriel looks up and his eyes go wide and stands up.
"Son! I thought I'd lost you forever. Like your mother"
"Listen here father. I'm here to discuss things with you. I'm not accepting any apology or staying. Also lady bug, or should I say Marinette is here with me and she isn't leaving."
"Very well" Gabriel says and wipes his eyes.
"Tell me everything." Chat noir says while he helps lady bug in.
"Very well. Me and your mother had the peacock and butterfly miraculous. One day the peacock miraculous broke while she was transformed which killed her. It's all my fault. I have been trying to get your miraculouses to make the wish of bringing your mother back and-"
Adrien starts to cry and hugs Marinette. A year rolls down her face as well.
"A-and I let myself become evil and psychotic. I have been risking Natalie's life as well. That's why she's been coughing like your mum did. I am such a bad person and I understand that things will never be the same. I will not become hawk moth any more." Gabriel walks out of the room.

Chat falls to the floor pulling ladybug down with him. He is in pain.

Lady bugs pov:

I am crying. I've never seen adrien, let alone anyone in this much pain. He de transforms and so do I. He's sobbing into my chest and rapping his arms around me like he's never gonna let go. He is officially broken and it breaks me I can't do anything to help him. I don't know what to do.

He looks up and me and sees me crying. I sit up and lean against a wall with hun crying on my lap. I stroke his hair as I know he likes that.

Chat noirs pov:

My heart shattered. I can't feel anything. Everything is blurry. I feel a tear fall on my head, Marinettes crying as well. She sits up and I lay in her chest. She plays with my hair and that makes me feel happy. My mum use to do that to me. 

I don't know what to do. I want to live at Marinettes but I could never ask her that, we are 14/15!! But I feel like I don't want to see my father everyday. I feel betrayed.

3rd person:

"M-Marinette" adrien says quietly.
"Yes kitty"
"W-we aren't going to London. Not with such a horrible person. C-can I stay at yours"
"I'd love nothing more"
Adrien sits up and hugs her tightly.

After they stop crying adrien packs a suit case and writes a note on the bed.

"Gabriel, Natalie or gorilla,

I'm staying at Marinettes until I've sorted things out. We aren't going to London and I've packed a bag for hers. Please don't force me to come back because I won't. Her parents showed me more care than Gabriel ever did in that one day. When I come back, I don't know what will happen but I hope you've all sorted yourselfs out. I'm just a kid.


The words im just a kid brought a tear to his eye but he kept it together. Marinette called her mum telling her and her mum was delighted to have adrien under her wing. He also brought clothes for plagg and they went to Marinettes house.

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