𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℍ𝕒𝕣𝕕𝕖𝕤𝕥 𝕁𝕠𝕓

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Mamoru didn't mind physical labor.

In fact, he enjoyed it in a way. It was fun to set up a party or build something from scratch. He didn't even mind mowing the lawn or beach cleanups.

But this was a new level of work.

"Can someone remind me why we're doing this again?" Mamoru asked testily, pulling on his matte black coat. He straightened out his snowy dress shirt and tie.

"For publicity, entertainment, and the sake of fundraising for the basketball club," Kise chirped, happily snapping on his own gloves. He was way too excited for this, Mamoru remarked silently.

Aomine buttoned his black coat and struggled with his navy blue tie. "Ugh, couldn't we have done a bake sale or something?"

Midorima nodded his head, pushing up his glasses. He was already dressed in his respective color, nothing out of place.

Mamoru rolled his eyes and strode over to the tall boy to fix his tie, which was tied with an atrocious knot. "None of you can bake, no offense."

Murasakibara could bake well, but he would end up eating his products before they even reached the table.

Akashi straightened out his dress shirt and tied his bowtie in place. "That's true," he mused. "Nevertheless, think of this as an experience."

"I suppose it's not the worst," Mamoru sighed. He pulled on his gloves and flexed his fingers, testing the digits against the fabric. "Let's get this over with."

The seven of them exited the changing room dressed as butlers in their particular color, earning a pleased nod from Sanada and Shirogane. "Looking sharp," Shirogane smiled, stroking his stubble. "Do your best today, Generation of Miracles."

"Yes, sir," they replied in unison. Mamoru almost scoffed at the coined phrase being used for something like this.

The basketball gym was turned into a kitchen camp, with the cooking club creating easy sweets and drinks using what they had. Outside, there were tables set up under the cherry blossom trees.

"You know the drill, so get going," Sanada said curtly. He wasn't sure about this kind of fundraiser, but Shirogane had been unusually enthusiastic in the idea.

They split up when they went outside and Mamoru brought out his notepad and pencil. He trotted over to his designated table and gave the two girls there a friendly simile.

"What can I get for you today?" They flushed red and covered their mouths, visibly awed. The smile practice with Kise had been emotionally and mentally taxing, but it seemed it paid off if their enamored faces were any indication.

"T-Two specials and chamomile tea," the brunette stammered, smiling back shyly.

Mamoru smiled charmingly and wrote it down. He finished it off with a small bow and said, "I'll be right out with your order."

He heard two quiet squeals and silently congratulated himself. But then remembered he'd have to do this for several more hours.

There were mostly female customers, though there were some males who were on a date. Three hours in, Aomine came up to him in the gym with a panicked look. "There's a girl asking for you at my table," he hissed. "Go deal with it."

"It's your table," Mamoru hissed back, smacking the boy on the head with his notepad.

"She's asking for you," Aomine frowned, pushing Mamoru towards his table. "Go and see what she wants."

Mamoru cursed when Aomine darted past him to deal with his tables. He straightened out his jacket and made a path towards Aomine's troubling table.

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