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⊱ ────── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ───── ⊰

Are you sure you know what you're doing?

⊱ ────── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ───── ⊰

He was not excited.

The roaring of the crowd didn't make his heart stir. Perhaps it was because he wasn't playing.

Due to excessive rest and care (Alessandro was a very big worrier), Mamoru found he didn't need the crutch anymore. Though he still had to wear an elastic bandage and was not allowed to play.

He excused himself to the restroom, hoping to find a retreat from the loud noise. Oikawa's fangirls were giving him a headache.




Oikawa slung an arm around his waist, being mindful of his ankle. He had seen what happened. He pressed his face close to Mamoru's, a dazzling smile in place.

"Let's make a bet~"

"I'm afraid I dislike bets, Oikawa-san."

He pouted. "I promise it's nothing bad. At least hear me out."

Mamoru strayed away from his arm uncomfortably. No one had ever held up like that and it was awkward to say the least. It wasn't he didn't like it, he just wasn't used to it.

"I will hear you out."

"Great!" Oikawa clapped his hands, grinning. "If Karasuno loses, you have to go on a date with me."

"Pardon?" Mamoru blinked, surprised. He was expecting the boy to ask about his past or pry about anything else. "Could you repeat that?"

"If Karasuno loses, go on a date with me," Oikawa chirped happily, like he didn't just suggest to go on a date based on the outcome of a game.

"What's in it for me if Karasuno wins?" Mamoru asked him cautiously, aware of Oikawa's cunning nature.

"Bragging rights," he shrugged. "You get to go to nationals too. Oh, and I'll throw in a date anyways."

Mamoru bristled, irritated. "Have a nice day, Oikawa-san."

"No no no no, wait a minute!" Oikawa grabbed his arm desperately. "Hang on, what do you want?"

"I mean no offense, but I don't see this as an appealing bet. I don't have anything I particularly desire either," Mamoru said dryly. He flinched when Oikawa laced his long fingers with his and stood closer.

"You know, others would kill for a date with me."

"I'm afraid I wouldn't."

"I just want to get to know you," Oikawa said gently. His brown eyes searched Mamoru's face, looking for something. "You're interesting."

"That's kind." Mamoru pulled his arm away gently. "Have a ni-"

"I'll teach you and you don't have to go on a date with me," Oikawa blurted out. "I'll teach you volleyball."

"What makes you think I want a teacher, much less from a rival school?" Mamoru didn't intend to be mean, but his offer really didn't make much sense.

"You want to get better, don't you?"

He froze, back turned towards the older boy.

"I know the feeling better than almost anyone," Oikawa said gently. "The frustration of going nowhere even after hours and hours of extra practice. It's so unfair."

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