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"Line up!"

The volleyball club lined up in a straight line facing Takeda. They did roll before boarding the small bus.

Tanaka gravitated towards the back, dragging Hinata with him.

It was an odd bus, he thought idly as he sat down near the back. The bus only had one seat on each side and two rows of seats that sat two in the very back. He was in front of Hinata and Tanaka to their left, and sitting across from Ennoshita and Narita.

It was nice to have a seat all to yourself though.

The bus shuddered to life and he saw Tsukishima slip his headphones over his ears. Mamoru slipped in his own earbuds out of his bag and connected it to his phone.

He closed his eyes, relishing in the music and tranquility.

It wasn't long until he heard Tanaka shouting.


Everyone turned around to the nauseating smell originating from Tanaka's pants. A puddle of vomit stained the area around his crotch and Hinata was on the seat next to him, his face a pale shade.

This was much worse than they expected it to be...

As soon as they arrived at Aoba Johsai, Mamoru rummaged through his bag and procured a plastic bag. He made his way towards Tanaka and held it out. "For your track pants, Tanaka-senpai," he said quietly.

Tanaka grinned in relief. "Thanks. You're awfully prepared for this."

Mamoru didn't really think so. "I prepared for many different situations."

"Ahaha, is that so?..."

He left the bus while Tanaka stripped his pants to his gym shorts. As soon as he came out, Hinata shouted apology after apology, which Tanaka waved off.

"Are you alright now, Hinata-kun?" Mamoru asked softly. "I have ginger candy for nausea if you want."

Hinata shook his head, a little awed by the boy. Looking past his cold exterior, he was surprisingly motherly. "I'm fine now. I rested a little on the way here. I feel better now that I'm on the bus."

"All right then," Tanaka grinned. "We're counting on you in today's match!"

Oh dear.

"Do it just like the three on three," he continued, like he just didn't add ten more pounds to Hinata's stress. "Let me spike freely like that."

"Tanaka," Sugawara hissed, looking panicked. "Don't pressure him."

"I'll...I'll...I'll do my-" Hinata gave up on whatever he was going to say and exclaimed, "I'm going to the bathroom!"

Tanaka only laughed, watching him scurry away. "First the top, then the bottom. You're a busy guy!"

"There he goes again," Kageyama hissed, standing up from where he was dealing with his duffel bag on the ground. "How pathetic. I'm going to go knock some courage into him."

Mamoru sighed, closing his eyes for a moment. Before he could go and punch Hinata, Mamoru hooked a finger on the back of his collar and jerked him backwards.

"Kageyama-kun," he said softly. "Intimidation doesn't work well with Hinata."

"But we won't know 'til we try it!"

Daichi just gave the group a look of disbelief.

Mamoru's gaze slipped over to Tanaka, who was inching around the edge of the building with a creepy expression.

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