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Mamoru got permission to leave practice first to return Kuroko's dog. Using his phone as a GPS, he maneuvered his way to Seirin.

Like most schools, it had the iron gate and the cherry blossom trees. Students trailed in and out of the school since it was the end of the day.

They stared at Mamoru and the dogs, who trailed after him obediently. He found his way to the gym with little problem and peeked through the metal doors.

The screech of shoes on the gym floor and the basketball sound brought back so many memories, he had to close his eyes. Too many memories, bad and good, came flooding back.

"Oi! Who are you?"

Mamoru's eyes fluttered open, seeing a short girl in front of him. She had a petite figure and a short bob of brown hair, but her eyes were confident and fierce.

"Shirai Mamoru. I came to-"

"Oh my God!" Someone shouted in English and grabbed Mamoru in a bear hug, nearly cracking his back in half. "It's you!"

Mamoru wheezed and tapped the redhead on the back. "Taiga?"

He set him down so fast, he nearly fell on his rear. Taiga, his childhood friend from America, was standing right next to him.

"You're finally free of that bastard!" Taiga put Mamoru in a playful headlock, grinning wildly and ruffling his hair.

Irked, Mamoru kicked the back of his knees and forced him into a headlock. Calmly, he looked at Kuroko who was hiding in the back and said, "I brought your dog back."

Quicker than he thought was possible for Kuroko, the dog was laying on top of his head like an odd hat.

"Mm, thank you."

"Hold on!" The same girl who asked who he was blew her whistle and held up her hands like a referee. "Someone explain this!"

Mamoru released Taiga from his headlock and stood up straight. He bowed first to the girl who seemed like she was in charge.

"I'm Shirai Mamoru," he said politely.

"Riko Aida."

"You must be the coach."

"I'm the c- What, wait?" Riko blinked, surprised she wasn't confused as a manager for once. "How'd you know I was the coach?"

"Your stance. You are also the only one in the gym with your attire." Mamoru gestured to the notes she was taking and the whistle hanging around her neck.

"He's the friend I told you about," Taiga interrupted, looking proud. "From America!"

"He is also a part of the Generation of Miracles," Kuroko said softly, exchanging a solemn look with Mamoru. "Teiko's Fujin."

Mamoru grimaced.

Riko's eyes gleamed with a dangerous curiosity. "Hey, play a game with us, yeah?"

Without waiting for an answer, Taiga excitedly shoved the basketball in his hands. Like the night before, Mamoru felt the leather and took in the texture.

"Just one game," he conceded.

He was split into the yellow team, which included Kuroko. Taiga was on the other side, but he looked excited rather than disappointed his friend was on the opposite team.

Kuroko and Mamoru exchanged a nod and began their play.

It was almost unfair, but Riko, with her unique ability of hers, had placed the team herself. Mamoru guessed she wanted to test the limits of another Generation of Miracles.

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