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For a moment, the only noise in the gym was the sound of the ball bouncing to a stop.

Kageyama was still in a blocking position, head tilted forward from impact. Mamoru glanced at the setter uneasily. He was hoping he didn't blow up on Hinata because he really wanted turnip-kun to see he had changed.


Tsukishima and Tanaka, who was still on the bench, roared with laughter. Tsukishima's eyes were wide with mirth as he hid a wide smile behind a hand.

"Is your head okay?"

"Nice headshot, man!"

Mamoru closed his eyes and set his head in his hands. Kageyama had set his hands down and he could almost see the flames raging up.

The referee whistled and the final point of the set went to Aoba Johsai.

"Don't razz him," Sugawara protested, looking irritated.

Kageyama turned on his heel, striding towards Hinata without a word. Mamoru sighed and watched them, ready to step in if need be.

The setter stopped right at Hinata's feet and leaned over him purposefully. He couldn't hear what they were saying, but at one point, Kageyama just slapped the back of his head repeatedly as if to make a point.

When he came back, Hinata was less pale, but still shaking.

At this point, Mamoru had enough of his nerves. He strode towards Hinata, scaring him for a second. Mamoru patted his pockets, searching for something, and brought out a square cloth.

"Breathe deep." Without waiting for a response, he held the thin cloth against Hinata's nose.

Hinata's mind went blank, confused and surprised at the sudden movement. His first instinct was to bat away the cloth, but he realized something.

It smelled like Mamoru.

Whenever the boy walked past him, he always had a soft, floral scent trailing after him.

"It's lavender," Hinata realized, breathing in deep. Mamoru watched his shoulders drop from their tense position and his face relax slightly. "But what's it for?"

"To help calm your nerves," Mamoru said bluntly. "I don't see why you're panicking. Just do what you've been doing. You've been doing well until now."

Hinata felt himself settle back to his original self. "Oh, I feel better," he exclaimed, blinking. He gave Mamoru a shaky, but determined smile. "Thanks!"

He nodded and slipped the cloth back into his pocket, ignoring the relieved looks of his teammates.

Daichi was ashamed he thought Mamoru was going to smother Hinata.

They had a short break after the first set. Tanaka went after Hinata and Mamoru sighed again. What if he undid his effort to calm him?

"Hey, you." Hinata bowed sharply towards Tanaka. In a second, he fell to his knees and waited to be berated. "Are you thinking you have to play well like the others? As if you have the experience?"

"I-If I don't, I'll get switched out with another player," Hinata murmured. "I want to be in the match until the end."

"Hey. Don't underestimate us." Tanaka crossed his arms. "We all know you're a lousy player."

Mamoru winced inwardly. Ouch.

"Daichi-san knows it and he still lets you play!" As Tanaka spoke, Hinata glanced up. "As if getting switched for another player...think about it when you get switched!"

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