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For the rest of the week, he noted Hinata had been more fired up than usual. He put in more effort to his receives, which Mamoru realized desperately needed more help on. Sugawara was the patient teacher who gave Hinata that attention.

Hinata dove on the floor and ran like the wind, but he didn't ask for a break once. Mamoru admired the endurance he had. He was sweating buckets, but Hinata never complained. The words he heard the most out of him during the week was, "One more".

He realized Hinata was having 5am practice everyday to get better.

And that was when Mamoru realized how similar Hinata was to Kuroko. The desperation, the perseverance, the unwavering dedication, it was all there.

Mamoru arrived at school much earlier than usual. He'd gone for a run, but decided it wasn't enough. He made bentos for everyone since he was up early and headed off to school at a brisk jog.

He glanced at the gym and on impulse, made his way inside.

The boy slid the door open and was greeted with the sight of Hinata and Kageyama readily practicing.

He stood by Sugawara, who looked like a proud mother. Tanaka gave the boy a nod with a grin.

Mamoru watched as Hinata managed to come into contact with the ball every time, most of the time even sending it back to Kageyama, who was spiking it back. Occasionally, Hinata even set it back, though it was messy.

His overwhelmingly great agility makes up for his clumsiness, Mamoru noted idly.

"You can't go any father," Kageyama grunted, spiking the ball towards him. "You've reached your limi-"

"Not yet!"

Mamoru winced slightly at the startling shout. Hinata gave Kageyama a determined look. "I haven't dropped the ball yet!"

Kageyama's face tightened as he spiked the ball, using more force than he had been. "Take that!"

The three on the sidelines watched as the ball went way over his head.

"Wow, bad character," Tanaka commented. "How's he supposed to get that?"

A glance at Kageyama's face told Mamoru he didn't actually mean to hit it that hard.

"Hinata's athleticism has been amazing since junior high," Sugawara said suddenly, his face thoughtful as he watched Hinata chase after the ball. "It's not just that, though. I feel like he has the fortitude to become a winner."

Mamoru watched as Hinata sprung forward into a diving receive, successfully saving the ball.

Kageyama brought his hands up into a setting position and watched the ball with unwavering eyes. He tossed the ball across the court, parallel to the net.

He finally tossed to Hinata, Mamoru mused, watching the ball interestedly.

"But Hinata's too worn out to spike it though," Tanaka noted, looking at Hinata's exhausted figure.

"He can," Mamoru said suddenly, startling the two upperclassmen. "He will spike it."

"What makes you say that?" Sugawara asked curiously, looking at Mamoru for the first time since he entered the gym.

Watching Hinata's face brightened, Mamoru looked at Sugawara and answered, "Intuition."

They watched as Hinata ran towards the ball and leaped into the air. The impact of his hand and the ball hitting the floor made a resounding crack.

"He sure can jump," Sugawara marveled, eyes wide.

"He recovered from being that worn out," Tanaka murmured, amazed. Hinata was hunched over from fatigue a couple minutes ago, but one would never know that seeing him now. Hinata's eyes were practically sparkling. "He's so happy."

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