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They stood outside of Claire's house. Alessandro packed away the last box in the trunk of his car and leaned against the side.

Claire squatted down and brushed Maiko's hair away from her face. She smiled reassuringly and handed Maiko the worn down swan plushie she'd sewed up. "Hey, sweetheart. It'll be alright."

Maiko nodded her head and engulfed her in a tight hug. "I'll m-miss you," she stuttered hoarsely. Maiko shut her mouth tightly, looking as though she would cry.

She stood back and Mamoru took her place. Claire stood up and looked at him. Recently, he had grown almost two inches. A year or two ago, he had already surpassed her height, which wasn't very impressive at a 5'1" stance.

Now he was almost hitting 5'10", which meant he towered over her. Briefly, she wondered if he would grow more, considering her brother was almost 6'1". Her lips twisted in a wistful smile.

"Claire." He stood calmly, looking more relaxed than she'd seen for a while. Mamoru extended his arms and she met him halfway. "Thank you for everything."

She patted his back, feeling her neck ache already. "Take care of you and your sister, alright?"

She felt a lump form in her throat and tears prickle her eyes. "A-and don't forget to brush your teeth after eating sweets, and keep wipes under the bed for Maiko, and...and-"

"I will," Mamoru interrupted gently. He stood back and watched as Maiko clambered into the car. Alessandro was waiting in the car as well, feeling as though he should give them some privacy. Mamoru took a step back and bowed.

Claire sucked in a breath when he lifted his head. He was smiling.

Not the empty smile that she saw often, but the genuine smile. It was a small smile, but it was real, she started to cry. It was a very rare thing from Mamoru.

Mamoru stood patiently until she calmed herself down. Alessandro started the car when he saw the boy approach him. As they backed out of the driveway, Maiko and Mamoru waved goodbye to Claire.

Claire watched them go with a sad smile. They truly were wonderful kids. They'd come very far from the scared kids in the beginning. Mamoru was like a wild animal, defending Maiko and himself from everyone and anyone.

She smiled then. A less sad smile and more of an accepting smile.

"I'll come visit soon," she promised quietly.

I promise.

──── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ────

He watched the scene fly by him outside his window as he listened to his music. They'd long left behind the busy Tokyo scenery and it blurred into something softer.

Maiko had fallen asleep almost within 20 minutes of leaving Claire's. She hugged her swan tight and leaned against the car door, her own earbuds playing something soft.

Mamoru stared out the window, gazing along the countryside area. It was definitely different from Tokyo, which mostly consisted of concrete, glass, and people.

The sky almost seemed bluer, and there was more green than black or gray. Trees started to become a more consistent image the longer the drive went.

"You can sleep," Alessandro rumbled gently, looking in the rearview mirror. "It will be another hour until we reach home."

Mamoru nodded and shifted so he was sitting a little lower. He leaned his head back and placed his earbuds in his ear. He didn't look to see what song was playing before he closed his eyes.

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