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As conceited as it sounded, Mamoru knew he had a high value in Teiko's basketball team. It wasn't well known; but to a select few, including Sanada, they knew he was a prodigy at basketball.

After all, he had learned basketball in a matter of weeks and became just as good as the 3rd years who had years of experience on him.

Sanada knew he would lose a valuable player, especially a 1st year who had more years to come.

It made Mamoru so angry that they would demote Kuroko, who was willing to practice extra hours and keep Haizaki, who would willingly ditch an official game for his own sake.

"If Tetsu's no good in the game," Aomine's voice startled the thick tension. "Then I'll demote myself too! He looked at Mamoru, giving him a determined nod. "So please!"

Mamoru bowed low. "Please put Kuroko in one more time."

Aomine gave Sanada a firm look. "He'll be our savior one day. I don't know why, but that's the feeling I get!"

Sanada gave them both a piercing stare. Mamoru, for the first time in his life, gave him one back.

He could feel the scars on his back ache at the insolence he was displaying, but his desperation for Kuroko's placement forced him to stand up straight and show no weakness.

"If he shows no improvement," Sanada started, giving them both a pursed lip look. "I'll demote him and nothing will change my mind."

Mamoru wanted to let out a breath of relief, but he reigned it in. Aomine just smiled, relieved to hear Kuroko still had a chance.

──── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ────

"Come on, say hello."

Mamoru wanted to wince at the painful grip Nijimura had on Haizaki's hair, but it was Haizaki.

He couldn't give a rat's ass if it was him.

"Heya." His greeting came out muffled because of the visible formed bruises on his face. He was sporting a black eye and a bloody nose. Looking at Nijimura's bruised knuckles, it was easy to piece things together.

Nijimura smirked coldly and wrapped an arm around Haizaki's shoulders like he wasn't the one to beat him up. "A second stringer found him at the arcade. He seemed well enough so I brought him in."

But what use was he now that Nijimura literally beat the crap out of him?

Sanada sat them down for a quick meeting. "For the starting lineup, it will be Akashi, Aomine, Murasakibara, Midorima, and Haizaki."

The assistant coach glanced at Mamoru, then Kuroko. "Kuroko, I'll have you step in during the second half. Got that?"

Kuroko didn't look surprised at all. Instead, he gave him a stiff nod.

Mamoru and Kuroko sat next to each other with Nijimura on Mamoru's other side. It was just as fun to watch the game just as it was playing.

There never seemed to be a dull moment in the game. The highly competitive boys made it that way.

The end of the second quarter sounded out and Mamoru peeked at the scoreboard.

31 to 33, in Teiko's favor.

Kuroko slipped on his black wristbands, a gift from Mamoru. It would keep the sweat from interfering with his passes, which required a lot of concentration and grip on the ball.

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