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He woke up to a scream.

For a moment, his chest constricted painfully tight and he bolted straight up, eyes wide. The earbuds were ripped from his ears from the movement and fell to the floor with a small clatter. Everyone in the room stared at him, surprised at his sudden action.

Daichi shouted something back angrily, but his muddled mind didn't catch the words despite it being so loud.

"Weren't you just sleeping?" Yamaguchi spluttered, surprised to see him so coherent after dozing off.

"I was," Mamoru blinked, realizing there was no danger. If the ones in the room could hear the scream and didn't react, it must have been a misunderstanding. "The scream woke me up."

"That was Hinata," Ennoshita pointed out, amused. "Daichi already yelled at them."

"What keen ears you have," Tsukishima snickered, rummaging through his bag. "It was so faint, I'm surprised you heard that in your sleep."

Mamoru grumbled, too tired to say something back to Tsukishima. He noted he and his friend were taking out their clothing and deduced it was the first-years' turn to bathe.


"Aren't you going?" Sugawara asked curiously. He rolled over in his futon, hair slightly damp.

"Later," Mamoru answered uneasily. "I'll go after everyone else."

"What, have a problem sharing space with others, your highness?" Tsukishima mocked. He bundled his clothes in his arm, standing up with a taunting smile.

"It has nothing to do with that," Mamoru said tightly, giving Tsukishima a dark look. A growl reverberated in his throat, a subconscious warning.

Another shriek, three this time, sounded out. There was another shout that sounded like Asahi and Daichi shouted again, looking irritated.

Yamaguchi tugged on Tsukishima's sleeve. "Let's just go."

Mamoru saw the freckled boy give Mamoru a meaningful glance and he nodded with silent appreciation.

Mamoru released a sigh. He didn't understand other people.

Humans were complicated.

He gathered his clothes and tucked his legs under him by the corner. Mamoru picked up his earbuds, turning off the music.

The door slid open and Asahi came inside, his hair left loose to dry.

"What's going on outside?" Daichi asked, exasperated. He sat up on his futon, cross legged.

Asahi looked a little sheepish and rubbed the back of his head. "I scared them by accident..."


Having his hair down, Asahi looked a little more menacing. The ones outside must have been startled by his appearance in the dark.

Mamoru was startled to see Asahi make his way over to Mamoru. Asahi slid down the wall carefully and sat down next to Mamoru, leaving a comfortable distance between them.

"It's the first-years' turn to shower," Asahi said softly, not sure if he knew.

"I'm aware," Mamoru said gently. He didn't add anymore and Asahi didn't ask.

Nishinoya and Tanaka came in next. Nishinoya immediately bounded towards Mamoru and Asahi, plopping down to sit cross legged.

The first thing Mamoru noticed was Nishinoya's lack of height. His hair, which usually defied gravity, flopped down under the weight of water.

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