Lights, Camera, Action!

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"I politely decline."

"Come on, Mamoru-kun!"

It was already bad enough to have Tsukishima and Yamaguchi here today, but he also had Sachiko and Akio in his class. They were the drama club's president and vice-president respectively speaking.

And they were some of the biggest pains in his class.

"Fuuji-san, please don't crowd me." Mamoru leaned back in his chair, trying to keep his face from bumping into hers.

Around him, he noticed the envious stares of the boys and girls, though he wasn't sure who it was pointed at.

Fuuji Sachiko was very pretty.

"Sachiko!" She practically howled, slamming a hand on his desk. Mamoru could almost imagine her hair standing on end if it didn't reach her waist. She was tiny, but her personality made her seem colossal. "I told you to address me by my first name!"

He grimaced to the side, silently cursing Tsukishima for snickering. "Fuuji-san-"

Another boy gently pulled Sachiko from his desk, where she was practically draped over the wooden top. "Sachiko, you're scaring him," he pointed out, glancing at Mamoru's stiff back.

"Thank you, Akio-kun."

Sachiko pointed a manicured finger at Mamoru, looking terribly betrayed, "You call him by his given name, but you won't say mine?!"

He didn't say anything.

Akio looked amused as he ruffled his hair. How he hadn't lost any hair due to Sachiko's antics, Mamoru wasn't sure.

"Sachiko, let's change our approach," he suggested. Mamoru stiffened again. Akio was a sly one; one always had to be on their toes whenever he was planning something. "Mamoru-kun."

Oh, hell no.

Mamoru shook his head and made an X with his arms. "Whatever you're offering, I will decline. I want no part in this."

Beside him, Yachi shook her head vigorously, hoping Mamoru wouldn't be dragged into something sketchy. What if they were secretly drug-dealers? What if Mamoru was going to be kidnapped? What if-

"I think it'd really interest you," Akio insisted, smiling widely. "Just hear me out."

He listened warily. If he had to, he'd get ready to run. Mamaoru was kidnapped (by friends) before and he didn't doubt Akio would take that chance if it came down to it.

"What is it?"

"A bet."

"About what?" Mamoru didn't like the growing smile on this boy's face...

"Well," Akio drawled, sitting lightly on the desk. "If we win the bet, you have to help out the drama club."

"And if I win?" Mamoru asked, since Akio went silent.

"We won't bother you about this anymore," Sachiko blurted out, grinned.

Mamoru hummed thoughtfully. The pros of the bet would be the chances he won. He won't have to listen to Sachiko's whining about needing help.

But the con was, the lack of whining was temporary. Sachiko and Akio were referring to the upcoming play, which meant if they needed his help, they would bother him again.

And he didn't even know what the bet was.

Akio interrupted him quickly like he read his mind. "It's a simple, 50/50 chance," he added. He pulled out an American quarter--he had visited America once and held some coins on him for memory--and spun it on his finger. "A coin toss."

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