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Nothing is ever certain in life.

People, animals, plants, it all changes over time. Whether it was forced or natural, they change.

Sometimes it was good, sometimes it was bad.

Perhaps it was better for the flow of life, but it wasn't so good for yourself. Sometimes things weren't meant to happen, weren't meant to be the same.

Evolution was a part of life.

But Mamoru felt like he was stuck in place, never moving forwards. The future stood in front of him like a dying light.

The future seemed bleak at this point. It was laughable, how much he dreaded the future at such a young age.

But then again, he hated his childhood.

Sometimes, he thought it would be so easy to just...let go. To forget the idea of the future.

Sometimes, he thought it would be so much easier to just stop and let go of that tiny string of life he was holding on to so tightly.

But he was gone, who would protect Maiko?

A tiny slip of determination in the darkness.

──── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ────

The right side of his body was going numb, rousing him from his slumber.

The lights were on and he squinted against the harsh lights.

Everything felt heavy, like the feeling of being woken up in the middle of one's slumber. He closed his eyes again and took a deep breath to fill his brain with oxygen.

Slowly, he opened his eyes a little at a time to adjust to the bright light. The first thing Mamoru did was test his fingers and toes.

On his left side, he realized he couldn't lift his fingers. For a moment, he panicked before realizing someone else's hand was on top of his.


Her characteristic silvery hair was splayed around head while she dozed off on her arm which was on the bed. Her other hand was sitting on top of Mamoru's, which explained the tiny heaviness.

She looked so peaceful sleeping so he slid his hand out from hers gently, trying not to disrupt her. Claire always had heavy bags under her eyes and he wanted her to have as much sleep as possible.

Mamoru slid up in the bed, realizing he was at the hospital in one of the single rooms. He closed his eyes, trying to fight the heavy sleep. The reason for the numbness was coming from Maiko, who had curled up on the bed next to him, her head resting on his shoulder.


He reopened them. Claire sat up straighter, looking relieved. She combed her hair back and smiled at him, relieved. "How are you feeling?"

He opened his mouth to speak, but he coughed hard, feeling dry particles sticking to his throat. Instantly, Claire scrambled for her bag on the floor and brought out a water bottle.

He slipped his arm out from Maiko carefully and drank. Claire went quiet. It wasn't until he lowered the bottle that she began to speak. "You feeling alright?"

"I'm fine now." Mamoru nodded, securely capping the plastic bottle and setting it in his lap. His gaze slipped to Maiko as he softly combed through her tangled hair.

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