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Eventually, it was time for their first year of middle school. Claire enrolled them in Teiko Middle School, which was held in high regards to education and their basketball club.

"You guys have all your things, right? Your pencil case, water, bentos-"

Mamoru patiently waited for Claire to stop rambling before responding. "Claire-san, we'll be alright. I made sure we both have everything."

He gave her a level stare as she returned his gaze with a wry look. A few weeks in since he came to Japan, she gave up on persuading him to call her Claire.

"Alright then. I'll drive you to school today since I don't have to come in to work until later. You know the way back home, yes?"

"Yes. Don't worry. We'll be alright," he said again. Sometimes, he felt emotionally exhausted handling Claire. It was a huge difference to have someone coddle you when you had no one before.

"Alright then, let's go." She herded the kids out the door to her sleek white car. Both kids went into the backseat. When she looked in the rearview mirror, she broke into a smile. Mamoru sat with his back straight and he looked out the window with such a solemn look.

Maiko, on the other hand, was positively bouncing in her seat and radiating beams of sunshine. She was the most excited out of the two of them, though she was verbally quiet.

Mamoru wasn't sure how to feel about school. For as long as he could remember, he'd been homeschooled by his father, who set high expectations. When he was 6, he was learning 5th grade math. When he was 10, he was learning 7th grade english and precalculus.

School was just another day of education.

Claire stopped a little before the iron gates and looked back. "Hey, have fun, alright? It's a good experience."

"Have a nice day, Claire-san," Mamoru nodded his head respectfully and slipped out of the car after his sister who gave Claire a tiny wave.

Claire watched them go, feeling a little lonely. Though the previous months had been a little difficult, they were truly a blessing to her.

Before she left, she watched in amusement as Mamoru stopped Maiko just before the gate to fix her black skirt and straightened her tie which had been disheveled during the car ride. He straightened his white blazer and black tie before continuing.

Out of habit and partial fear, Maiko's hand twisted the back of Mamoru's blazer. She walked close to him, trying to hide. It was useless overall, seeing as there were students everywhere.

For a moment, the chatter faded away as he took in the cherry blossom trees lining the path. It was springtime, the trees in full bloom.

There was a gust of wind, sending flying cherry blossoms and petals through the air. Unbeknownst to the siblings, there were a few flowers that settled on their snowy hair.

To Maiko's horror, the students began to notice them and whisper. Maiko was having a mini heart attack trying to think why would they stare at them.

Mamoru turned around and patted her head, swiping off the pink petals. "Don't mind the stares, Maiko," he said firmly. "No one will hurt you."

Just as he said that, a boy with a dark complexion bumped into Maiko.

"Satsuki! Stop shoving me!"

"Sorry, Daiki!"

Mamoru winced internally at the stark contraction fate gave him. "Intentionally. No one would hurt you intentionally," he corrected himself. At least he hoped no one would hurt Maiko. If so, he would rip her antagonizers a new one.

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