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Sorry if you got excited!

First, I'M NOT STOPPING THIS BOOK.  That's the good news.  

The bad news is I may have to stop working for a while.  I mean one or two months, maybe even more.  Something went wrong in my household and now I can't get onto Wattpad.  It just gives me the "the server cannot be found" page.  

I can only send out this note now because I'm at my cousin's house.  

So, I am reading your comments in the mail, but I cannot reply to them.  At the same time, I cannot update because of this problem.  

So until this problem is fixed, please be patient.  I wanted to give you this note so you would know what's going on and I didn't drop off the face of the Earth.  

Thank you so much for sticking with me.  Again, the book is not being discontinued, it is being paused.  


Eden Valian

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